I hate zed reddit. Yasuo can deal with his poke better tho.
I hate zed reddit Zed, I don’t really have a huge problem with many other matchups, Zed just really fucks me up. If not, top 3, mainly because he's Faker. Most the time, it’s just as frustrating for them to play into tank team comps. she should be decent in the jungle too since her q clearly says that gets the second explosion on large monsters as well. I'd like to know why everyone seems to hate zed and say that he's a no skill champion? Compared to most other Assassins I'd say Zed is by far top… Dec 1, 2023 · Zed may never be a League of Legends power pick again, with Riot Games developer August Browning today admitting the balance team deliberately keeps him weak because he makes the game more Sep 2, 2021 · In one out of every two games you play in League of Legends, Zed is banned. If your township/county or whatever government organization around you lists the contractors they use it's often the better ones - or at least they have a lot of experience. 69 votes, 48 comments. For a champion that is supposedly hard to play he has a ridiculous win rate, though I guess it comes from the inability to play against him. Outplaying is the only viable way for Zed to play the game, meanwhile Rengar presses R and right clicks, or Master Yi 1v5 runs people down with his alpha strike up every 1 second. While I agree zed has a high skill ceiling and his difficulty in mid to late game teamfights is very high, I don’t have fun laning against him. Everyone says that Zed is an easy match up. 561K subscribers in the LeagueOfMemes community. level 6 you want to save your ult for his ult. It's actually a way bigger buff than people think, giving zed pretty much a free lane phase now. But in order for their plays to be perfect, the enemy needs to play something out badly. I just heard another tip though. I don’t like looking at a minion and taking a full combo to the face every 12-14 seconds. Trying to poke Qiyana is often a waste of Energy, due to the same reason thats the case on irelia - too many dashes. Reddit . Nothing changed, it’s always these 3 that are the strongest. But for Zed he has to now hit 2-3 Q's, place his escape properly, dodge Cc all sorts of stuff. Don't just walk in predictable straight lines. I think Zed's identity has shifted from a mid-game monster to a scaling hypercarry depending on what build he goes. Keep at it. Zed W and without boots, all he does is WEQWEQWEQWQR and I die Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. a champ like zed or Zoe or fizz that hit 1 ability and chunk all your hp or force you to base are just fked up it's good to have them in the game but that doesn't make them fun to play against A subreddit for all Kassadin mains from League of Legends. Faker's Zed isn't "overrated" because he isn't a Zed main, he's just a God. Although it varies depending on the patch, and the average rank of players, this champion has become one of the most hated in the entire game. Even when he's not an issue. 22 votes, 18 comments. anyway i already hate the champ. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 12 comments Nasus is kinda weak but i still hate the fuck out of him, he always gets to do what he wants and eventually beat you, kinda like Tryndamere but i feel like tryndamere is more outplayeable and can fuck up less than Nasus. Another thing quantum does is when he is lvl 6 looking for an all in he will q the enemy ranged minions then dash to them and then insta dash again and ult Landing E/R[E] after Zed R is also guaranteed because zed r places him in a consistent spot. Obviously people are going to hate Zed more. When assassins are behind or even, they can still 1 shot squishy, when they’re ahead, it’s just overkill. I hate him so much. Or check it out in the app stores Home i still hate zed but just hate diana 40x more now Zed as a villain. I started playing Yasuo out of spite. your golden. Good yasuo or yone can counter zed, yone has better response to zed's lvl 6 since since you can ult backwards when zed ults you so zed gets caught unless he does some w shenanigans. There are many videos of zed mains playing against sylas over time. My motivation goes below… A domicile for those fond of shanking foes in the popular cyber environment, DotA 3. Yasuo windwall is lock on like 10-20 CD. it does like 40-50 damage in lane. 75*100) = 150 • Ult damage calculation: o 65% of AD: 0. 65*100 = 65 Damned right it’s Zed - in every country other than America. Zed main here who also plays a ton of akali, usually when I struggle with akali players it's because they E whenever I try to WEQ them this results in a pretty even lane, zed is a burst assassin with high cool downs so if he tries to all in you use one of the 36 dashes akali does to dodge his Qs then you win in the prolonged fight. Early armor counters zed heavily. So If you want to main Zed you will just have to live with his high banrate as that will never change. comments Zed is a free win most games. , as LB you can aim chain at W out of Zed R, or just W to make Q's impossible to land. It's for Lunar New Year, a holiday celebrated in many areas of East Asia including China, Vietnam, Singapore and Korea; not unlike any of the other holiday skins, so why does China keep getting brought up? Pre 6 you want to play around his W as it has a high cool-down. I hate that my poke is meaningless. Her appearance and confidence changed during that transition, so that upset people. Lets use Zed and Lee Sin as exampels. Welcome to the Downton Abbey subreddit, a place to discuss all things related to the show, the 2 feature films, the cast and the real-life history/context of the franchise. Ignite is good but Barrier and exhaust are better. I hate Zed because I don’t like players being better at their champion than I am on mine and lacerating my throat (in game) with it. just for her e. or 3. Yes, hes an assassin so he still has assassin problems. One game before the game started a Leblanc said "Zed feed gg" even though at the end of the game I was 16 - 6 - 11 and the lb was 14 - 9 - 8. Darius because i just hate the guy, he is incredibly strong in lane and that hook is always longer than i think it will be A Universal Time (AUT) is an action/adventure game inspired by many different popular shows, games, and animes, most notably the Shōnen Jump Anthology's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I hate the Zed match up so much. When zed ults he appears behind you, meaning if you learn the timing you can insta w him from ult every time. I just hate it so much. zed can never W otherwise he will have to miss CS or get chased down by garen Q. You just run your second page as resolve with conditioning + overgrowth, take seeker's Armguard early (you don't need full Zhonya's unless zed gets a lead), then play safe and smart until minute 12, at minute 12, zed can't touch you. Voltaic Cyclosword seems to be the best rush item. Faker barely plays Zed. CWII was just a way for them to justify that hate. As an ass velkoz mid main who just recently hit M7 with 60k mastery at lvl 60. I can dance circles around an ezreal trying to land anything on me. Yasuo and Zed are countered by Malzahar, Zed less so, though. And if you do so you basicly makes him unable to play the game. I like to think of myself as a Zoe main because she’s m pocket pick when zed is banned but idk if my 30k mastery points on her qualify me. I’ve played around 15 games with Zed already (emerald/low diamond elo) My consensus- early game Zed is back but he falls off very very hard now. his ult will make him appear behind you so you usually want to ult him in the direction he came from as your ult comes from behind you. In short, Zed is the victim you often see in those highlight videos. It's so crazy how fast he pushes the wave and then even if you win trades if he pushed the wave he hits 6 first and he just all ins you. Zed has 2 main threats in the early game: The first is the Q. I hate fighting her. When he charge with his E. When Zed presses R, he appears behind you. Lassuration and Quantum both agree diana is unplayable into zed because zed can hold his ult to dodge Diana's ult damage. Marvel to Captain Marvel. Back than he didnt have this ad-mage style he has now atleast he was not played like this if i remember the good ol‘days correctly. I hate Zed. Zed will always land on the opposite side of where he ults, so if you play a champion with CC, you will always know where to aim your CC. It's a skill matchup. Zed is one of my most hated champions too. Outscales them in teamfights, can match their roams and often goes even or wins lane. Imo, the fight is appealing and cool but it should never exist. As a mostly immobile mage player (viktor, asol) electrocute zed’s trades feel like they’re low risk high reward. Its pretty easy to dodge, and deals less dmg after it hits something. funny oneshot on turn one hahaha. Origin is the infectious cause and makes it almost like a leaf in the Ahri can be good into zed if you get good at her, but you need to know the matchup, and when to e. Zed left the Kinkou to fight Noxus who was invading Ionia in that time. Zed can survive basically any laning phase and Lee Sin is generally the best all round jungler. Both have a mechanical skillset to them which allows them to make flashy plays. I think we can all agree that chaps like zed are definitely frustrating to play against as an adc, but they’re assassins. This reddit is my salvation. If there’s something wrong with Zed, then it definitely ain’t the laning phase. I think it would make more people build caster because they need more cdr to make up for the nerf. They really dropped the ball with the floaty bitch. i hate vex, shes easy to play has good dmg can keep up with roams with her ult and the fears give you a rather short all in window. Like gee, thanks, you fucked my whole mood up. Zhonyas cd is longer compared to Zed ult, and even if you dodge a zed ult, zed can easily back off and wait for his ult to cd and then try again but this time enemy zhonyas is on cd. 😒 Riot has gotten better about this with new champs thankfully, but one artist was doing gods work to fix old spells with wonky hitbox-animation ratios. This is the same as with Yasuo. When aurelion was strong in lane he got permabanned. If its up, you CANNOT be close enough to auto as Ahri or Zed will full combo trade you. I mained zed and dreaded going up against Yasuo. i hate the durability patch. A subreddit dedicated to the League of Legends / Wild Rift champion: Zed - The Master of Shadows. Zed can heal attacks where the primary target is below 6/8/10% HP and 50% max HP (depending on level) and has great magic damage. A subreddit dedicated to the League of Legends / Wild Rift champion: Zed - The… Hello everyone! Im a ”new” Vex who went from support to mid. Literally didn't even bother trying to silence zed under easily. Zhonyas is really strong into diana since her ult damage is delayed. I hate it. I just hate it. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. honestly and great vs zed in team fights. I can’t play Zed, so no one else in my games can either. Talon and Fizz both have high survival skills. People will always hate Zed, it is what it is. Another thing quantum does is when he is lvl 6 looking for an all in he will q the enemy ranged minions then dash to them and then insta dash again and ult Lassuration and Quantum both agree diana is unplayable into zed because zed can hold his ult to dodge Diana's ult damage. Pre 6: Stay behind minions to make sure zed weq does less damage. Zed can do nothing while standing on miasma so there you have a oportunity to stun his ass or melt him with E and Q. Discord… Zed is all about snowballing and scaling and people hate champs that snowball out of control. This means Yi, Talon, or Zed, or really any hypercarry. I absolutely hate everything about fizz, like everything. He has very clear trading patterns, and long enough cooldowns to punish if he misses. Stylish might seem better (and he should be) because he is a one trick. The 3 potions given by starting Long Sword will help you sustain in lane if you find difficulty in dodging his shurikens, but the stats given by Doron's Blade allows you to duel him. To me zed feel like shit right now, if you have basic knowledge of the game zed is super ez to counter or at least nullify. Killing someone as Zed is almost entirely down to you, the Zed player, and that makes it impossible. I honestly hate fighting Zed with all my heart the only other person that I hate more is Yasou. reReddit: Top posts of April 5, 2020. A common them is that they aren’t afraid to take heavy trades in the early game (lvl 1-5) with autos to proc their keystone. Feel free to discuss builds, plays, art, etc. zed aint getting onto your beloved adc. lv3 you will have to step back and play passively, if he uses w and the e from the shadow hits you, you werent far enough, stand behind minnions since his q deals only 60% of its dmg if I hate it because it taints the reputation of zed, you cant tell me you dont get annoyed when a mage player plays zed once, gets fed and from that point on they will always call Zed easy because of that one time they pressed R on an adc and autoed them to death sylas is super annoying because of him being sylas bit 100% winnable . They just keep massacring Zed continously. why does he have zed's ultimate on E Yone E is not nearly as effective as Zed ultimate if you consider that Zed ultimate does more damage, instantly blinks you to your desired target, and doesn't force you to go back to the location where you casted the ability. You can easily dominate lane before they get their anti zed items and roam and help your team so they can kill the kassadin and viktor for you. Anivia is a hard counter to ad assassins. Stalkers are just, well, when ever you play as a demo they seem to always be right in front of you. i have been playing zed for many many years now it was my first true main when i started league and i believe his current style is what causes the hate. reReddit: Top posts of April 2020. From my perspective it just seemed like such a bs champion with so much mobility, dps, defense and initiation (oh the irony). In games where I'm countered I rush hydra and play pretty passive until I have my core build (hydra, eclipse, serylda's or cleaver). As soon as I see the champ I start mind gaming too much and just walk into every single one of his Q’s. Whenever I am against Brand support, I’m down immediately in the champ select. And so, i feel just like MY game is already loose when i see Zed (because i think not zed is able to carry a team). Slow combos won't really work on zed so I suggest not to use qcast indicator. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Posted by u/finnthevikingchamp - No votes and 9 comments I’ve lost with zed 3* with better items than that. Honestly, you just need to point your cursor exactly on the champion you want to delete because usually in low elo, no one knows how to enter a movement command during zed R. So the game just becomes, lets not get R'd by Zed for the opponent. Overall very fun. Second is his WEQ. How do you guys play against Zed? Edit: Thank you for all the answers. I've played a few times vs a good Yone and he got like 3 kills from bot and jg and he started killing me under turret in 1. If you manage to hit 100% of your spears within 25 seconds, then you can try out zed. 3k health late game sometimes. Or on the other side where they actually get solo kills, the chaotic nature of solo queue finds a way to get the game to 40 minutes and he blows dick when the damage threat can assassinate him instead. A subreddit dedicated to the League of Legends / Wild Rift champion: Zed - The… u/i_hate_zed. I main Zed and everytime I use him in ranked everyone says " Oh a zed GG" "Wow Zed, troll pick" I usually play him mid but the comments are even worse so I moved to to top. Iw seen it on others zeds, they expect to be perfect. Having a Zed on the enemy team just automatically means that *at least one* of your teammates is not going to be allowed to play the game if he has any relevant skill. I don’t shit on her though the hate is enough. Your W and R are your best tools vs Zed and pretty much vs every assassin, so make sure you use them properly. I hate the fact that I have to play around it. You practically see a Zed in every 2nd game, surprised Greedy Games havent capitalize on him much Ahri player. Feel free to comment any questions pertaining to this Match-up, I'll be happy to answer Posted by u/mannyisshort - 3 votes and 9 comments I was a diamond otp zed for 5 season but nowadays zed in my elo is a pocket pick that u cannot blind pick or just pick u the vaste majority of games. Otherwise cheese picks like garen, malphite, as others have said. Seriously, just look at it! Those visuals are horrible! The ball joke was physically painful to watch, and I'm sure a lot of trans fellows would be pretty offended by it. you can react to Zed Qs with 20 votes, 13 comments. and let's not forget about her r that stuns aoe gives shields deals damage and isn't a channeling, meaning she can zonya while using it/move. Plus, a champ like zed sitting at a 51% wr is pre unhealthy. Why does everyone hate on Zed? 46 votes, 58 comments. Pretty much outside of characterisation I don't understand how people think Zed is a C tier villain. Its what they do. Just make sure you play around your ult and zeds ult cool downs. Reply reply Lots of kill pressure especially vs enchanter supports. Reasons I hate Quicken: Bugs, weak mixed currency support, weak cloud support, weak multi-platform support (IOS, MacOS, Windows), no 64 bit version. Indeed, I should be able to stop 4 Zeds on turn 1 with illaoi, sorry for the skill diff! Ofc I have a bias towards the patch as a zed main but I cannot see how people hate zed more than other assassins such as talon, qiyana, and fizz. true. also any zed who knows what to do can just W recast and ult to basically oneshot I think this comes to the core group of people that do hate her: squishes not assigned to her lane. Then you die then he gets away. Aside from the unnecessary anime hate, people dislike yasuo because they haven't played him or understand him. I recommend baiting it out and harassing him after he has used it. (Hacker/lasercorp). Issue is those are all AP. Or check it out in the app stores There is a reason why op. Rush seekers. anything related to Kassadin. Everyone hates me on the main thread, but Zed mains are always on my side <3 All of this can be applied to any champion, but what makes players hate Zed more than other champions is primarily his play rate. Once i laned against a yorick mid as zed and I didn’t have a good time. Zed is very easy to counter or outplay. 40K subscribers in the zedmains community. Before that, Kalista. W is a 22 second cooldown with 650 range. after 1 item you can pretty much just dance around minion wave. ONLY FUNNY MEMES ABOUT LEAGUE UNFUNNY MEMES WILL BE JUDGED BY THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION. Personally, i perma ban fizz (i just hate the fish) but if you dont have a perma ban then fizz and vlad are good bans as they are champions you can never win against if they play correctly. Diana can make zed's life hard all game. It’s not that his W is up too much, high elo players have no problems facing zed. Try to dodge at least 1 q. I stopped banning zed but I still hate playing against it. i pick camille into zed. is not tolerated. Zed walked out of sight for a bit to wait for his cds. Zed is def. The very end of his q hitbox extends further than the visual. But my asshole has a magnet with yorick's name on it. Talon's invisibility and mobility plus his W just makes the lane miserable. I think she is pretty outdated and is either godlike or pretty poor. Jayce has really good lvl 1 and 2, urgot has massive lvl 1 with his e, renekton smashes zed. lv1-lv2 position agressively and threaten him with your range advantage. I think people had already began to hate her during her transition from Ms. I also HATE Xerath’s Q indicator because it doesn’t line up effectively. His shield also blocks your passive damage. Anyone who can remove your 2k ADC healthpool in 2 seconds flat. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. This is why Zed is so hard to play, but so disgusting with good enough items/players. Hi I made this Match-up guide as Zed vs Viktor, you may find it useful if you play against Zed. Seeing a good akali destroy me as an adc is frustrating, having a bad akali do it because mid could never punish feels awful, same thing if your a jungler, she is one of those "weak if your tanky or get to be the one punishing her trying to farm" but hyper annoying as a third party. I think with current cdr setups, you can make a lot more bewildering plays on zed ("hard to understand") compared to in the past. As in thats how a team game should be? Like i have gotten so much more hate by playing my main being zed 20/3 then being 1/9 Zoe for example (Zoe not bad xD). Against Zed, you can either start Long Sword + 3 potions or Doron's Blade + potion as recommended by Creammon. I think the reason people think zed is broken and hate to play against him is less an objective balance issue, and more psychological. I fucking hate Zed . Zed will be ban 6/10 games and like 2/4 out of the last 4 our comps or their comps just suck to play zed with or into so yeah otping zed is hard. But also try not to get hit point blank as it does considerable damage with a low cooldown. So it recently hopped back into league after about 9-10 months to play a few games with some old friends, and I decided to play one of my all time favourite champs (not mains) based on design again, Zed. a proper assasin like rengar, khazix, fizz, talon will jump on you, deal full combo and if they can't kill you they will die because they have 1 engage and 1 escape ability and I can chase them after they use People act like Zed with Hydra is the most unhealthy BS disgusting thing to ever exist in League of Legends when the reality is that this is actually a healthier adaptation of Zed imo because unlike the old days where Zed can legitimately 100-0 with half a WEQ auto combo (so people used to R the tank a lot just to jump to the guy behind him and WEQ 100-0 him, something you rarely ever see Zed In fact i said almost the opposite. My conclusion is that om just going to ban Zed xD If zed ults the enemy and both zed’s and zed’s ult shadow land a Q on the target, then the total damage will be calculated as such: • Double Q damage calculation: o Damage applied from zed and ult shadow’s Q: 2(0. gg lists Zed/Talon/Fizz as top 3 in their midlane tier list, for like at least 12 patches. 0/8/0 in my last match I'm probably a bad main GP, but i really tilt too I usually ban Zed but champs I hate to play against are Yone, Ahri and Fizz. The ninja lore is really good. I don't know, people are just being kind of ridiculous with their unrequited hate against Zed. imo its malz R on 13sec cooldown, bonus resistance, true-dmg & lockdown with ult. She stuns and fucks zed with ult if he engages. its meaningless to go for single Q pokes when it does no damage beyond minions to enemies. Dodging shoryukens can be kind of werid especially if he has his shadow out. Zed is pretty weak now. Assassin zed is bad, as you said if the enemy survive with 10 hp is harder to snowball unless you play perfect, and even so the other team might comeback if you don’t end the game at 20 min. Naut is probably in the similar vein. If you couldnt oneshot kayle she would be permabanned too. Definitely Zed. Her entire kit is so underwhelming for the amount of hype they gave her. Gameplay, I’d say if zed plays it right he could beat shen, r his taunt, wait for shens stupid counter attack thing, hit him with triple q, maybe 6 q’s if he has the cdr after his r pops, passive auto gives %max hp dmg and it’s magic so armor won’t help, and if he builds eclipse,ldr,black cleaver, serpents fang. Why? Because lowelo plebs hate him and he is nearly permabanned when he's in a not so atrocious spot. 5, otherwise known as League of Faker. You really can't do more than dangerspam, max E post-6 and try to get some plates in return. Hey Zed mains, i play midlane mages and so i permaban zed, since 2-3 month i began permaban yone because i meet this champ too much. I hate how 6AA is need for Zed to barely 100 to 0 a squishy champion. Jokes aside, Diana counters Talon pretty well. I fully believe that his winrate does not matter and that Riot could nerf him down to a 45% winrate and people would still ban Zed. All your points could be applied to Naut tbf. It provides a ton of burst up front and gives some ability haste. The one thing I hate most about her, is her ult. Also Yasuos tend to just constantly shove the wave so you can farm under tower but Zed players actually understand wave-management. just Q him whenever he jumps into the team fight and R him if Posted by u/Captain_Row_Chow - 3 votes and 13 comments Honestly just pick up lissandra She is the ultimate counter to zed and most assasins. The current problem for low elo players is they don’t understand Zed’s W has a very long cooldown, so they do not punish him during laning phase when his W is down letting him farm/trade for free. Akali and Zed don't hate Shen at all. In fact, it's Shen and Akali who hate Zed bcz he killed their fathers. I hate that online reviews generally don't mean anything anymore. Deathsworn doesn’t do it for me at all, I hate the design and everything about it. Alot of people hate playing against zed cause he can easily dive a core, burst him down and escape easily. Also this cho gath didn't even use his w to silence zed after his ult. The very simple answer is that people just hate Zed but do not hate Naafiri. I am a mac user but was stuck on Windows version due to lack of functionality in Mac version. This carried over to CWII so idk why people think this would be out of character for her. Not only that, but fast google search said "Reich" is the german word for "Realm", so I don't know if we should use it as an example for English rules, because in German "ei" is pronounced as "ai" (like "I" or "eye"). Zed is almost unbeatable in laning phase except for a few champs. For every 6 games you play against a Zed you might get to play against 1 Syndra player. Zed trade is very strong, but only if he hits anything. they increased base health, base armor, base mr, . Also zed really never has kill pressure because akali shroud and mobility, and late game I mean unless ur team has hard counters for akali she’s just flat out hard to deal with compared to a fed zed, there’s a reason she’s one of the only viable assassin mids in pro play Have never heard of haich, nor Reich and I'm not sure what's so special in the way those words are pronounced. there is also just a shit load of health in mage items. 10 votes, 11 comments. Ok memes aside, even tho a lot of people disagree with me, I feel like Zed is one of the most fair champion to lane against. It’s the one Zed skin I haven’t purchased. The simple answer to this question is no. He's literally the embodiment of every single one of our fears of the unknown manifested by a super computer to stop time. when I play most mages I get to near 3k health mid game. Xalt has a yt video where he explains the runes you go. Yasuo wouldn't get such a bad rep if nobody played him. but hes strong now, theres a reason his win rate has risen 2%. Apologies buddy. On the other hand, I hate Talon and Zed. The last champ that got this much hype was Jhin, and look at how unique and interesting he is. Usually the zed wants to gets as much cs as possible and don I used to perma ban zed on mid lane before conqueror pickrate increased. Anyway the W nerf won't do much to change his caster build tbh. A subreddit dedicated to the League of Legends / Wild Rift champion: Zed - The… This was later taken out with not enough compensation buffs because it felt bad as Zed to have to burn your ult sometimes just to get that AD bonus. they announced her has midlane or support champ i think. How hard can this bs A subreddit for all Kassadin mains from League of Legends. Harder since his gap close and how he can dodge your charm with 1 button as soon as he see Pink colour skill shot. Yasuo is a melee champ with 7 dashes but Zed is basically a ranged champion with his undodgeable W + E. also, being a zed main and knowing the combos is a huge advantage, for example when zed does a 'kiting combo' like W-R-W-triple Q, E, etc. Jayce is always a solid choice, being able to knock them away when they go in. deals true damage Misconception. I hate zed chapter in champions soooooo much Discussion It’s beyond ridiculous for me on how you have to be carful of barriers, stuns, recalls spells, captures, fiora, zed, or the constant damage they have on you either by numbers or by having 8 elusives and u can’t do shit about it. Galaxy Slayer is, at most, standard. Zed had AA Yasuo for 6 times, hit 2Q ,4E and used his Ult. In the hands of someone who knows what their doing. Just save W. If zed is full health then e to minion then qwq. You can try running an ADC mid, but that's an issue as soon as Zed or Talon hit 6. Perhaps a tad bit more disappointing than Deathsworn, considering I was actually hyping for a Zed legendary until I saw this. I play garen every time enemy picks zed. So i ask you : which champ should i play to have fun (win) against zed. Both of their damage are ridiculously low. You hate hydra, but the eclipse hydra BC Serylda is OP in late game if you know how to poke. The main thing about Zed that I see people bitching about is his Shuriken, Q. as long as you don't get too reckless and die to zed poke before your first back. Is Galaxy slayer zed worth getting I am learning zed just wondering Zed is one of Zoe's biggest counters and shits on her all the time. Faker's Zed is not overrated. Zed can be countered super easily imo but again bias by me. Q: I hate bulls. But if you really have to, yone is one of the safiest options: He is easy, he is strong in every state of game, he is mega enjoyable because you have 278620287620 dashes per sec, and he is one of the best champs to climb in soloq. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Yes, a good Zed will wait until you go to last-hit or cast a spell to Q you, but a lot of people panic the instant Zed ults them and just let him double/triple Q them. Its more important for zed to secure an early advantage than it is taliyah, so going even is winning this matchup. If you are wondering what Amateur Radio is about, it's basically a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders. And Zed still had 40% of his hp. by the time I hit them again health regen kicks in and its all gone like. Runans, LW and edge of night are my favorite items to run on hacker 3. Almost no champ in the game is fast enough to catch a Zed with 3 items anyway because of Syrilda he constantly throws slows behind him. Well, I dont reccomend you to just throw zed away, because it will be hard to comeback to him after some time. This post was never meant to be “complaining” Zed is objectively extremely oppressive to play against while also being stupidly low risk and scaling insanely well for an ad assassin. I want to say more but I'll be bias since I really hate Zed in every situation and role. I mean low elo just hate the champ, even back when i played rank. I really suggest you read the Kinkou stories, their bios and the Zed comic. Their role as an assassin and kits feel so much more impactful than zed. The Showa war increased by 100% by 200/350/500, but there was only one move. I can't stop hating Sylas and the abomination that his kit is. . They r some people who regonize sick plays and understand a bit how Zed is. Iirc during the war of independence (or maybe civil war) one particular general pushed it to be more of a “see/zee” sound which kind of defeats the purpose since S fills that role. And Yasuo has auto Zed for 5 times and hit 1Q. Playable lane but Qiyana gets the QOL of just standing inside the wave while Zed has to care about spacing and Farm with Qs or he is heavily punished by a good Qiyana. It can be easily counter with Charm and full combo. But I tried and he still killed me under turret. Yasuo can deal with his poke better tho. It’s like the reverse of Ahri, who use to have a hit box SHORTER than her vfx animation. The fact that there's no retaliation, at least in their minds. Discord… i can give you some general tips on how to play against zed, idk much about asol tho. I'm openly gay, and I find this absolutely cringeworthy. Started to play mid a couple of days ago. Low elo players just don’t understand zed at all. Even the legend dopa thinks Zed is a terrible champion. That said, it is understandable as long aa you know how to champ works, but I don't think the average player knows how to retains energy or resets W CD on E , which are the main way to try to play around zed for many champs. And if your adc is gapped you can roam and play map without sacrificing a ton to your lane opponent like you would mid. He's probably the best Zed ever. Posted by u/ryguyreiser - 7 votes and 4 comments Unless the enemy is zed or yasuo akali then she hugs turret like a p***y no hate for ahri but when ever i hit level 5 as a zed or akali yasuo(for yasuo its level 3) she hugs tower and its so funny that they still die even tho they use their ult to run into behind towers They pick Zed and the enemy pick some other OP ap champion and he just bends over. For example, you get 1-2 plates and she gets a kill, which is kinda an even trade if you also consider the farm you Just some quick things would be tabis, armour runes and abusing him before level 6 with PtA, try to keep lane pushed to stop him from constantly roaming after level 6, Phantom, GA and DD are great against him and other assassins as well. I think that, in order to counter Zed, you must learn The cooldowns are longer for Zed iirc so this trade isn't completely without flaw, but in my head, when I think of poking Zed, I envision casting EW, seeing him cast WWEQ right into my face for breaking the first part of my shield and taking half my health, and then if there aren't any minions, I land Q auto on the back end to at least deal The sidelane issue is true for any roaming matchup (Talon, Zed, TF,). Outscale the crap out of the enemy support as you're still zed and can buy big items with first strike free boots and futures market. Zed’s weird because his damage is so heavily over time and he’s taken down easily by CC, even when 3*. Zed will usually use tbis to cs AND poke you, so make sure you arent behind a low hp minion. Wich is sad and demotivates me. Only one person can go to a patient's short limbs. 41K subscribers in the zedmains community. 119 votes, 47 comments. Onzed made one most recently with English subs. This is evident all the time but one of the most recent examples is the porcelain skinline. Stalkers and clot type zeds, I hate when I'm running around and all of a sudden I'm turned 180° just be faced with some form of clot. Don't be rude and please read the rules, namely rule #1: "Any form of hate speech involving racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. That e will hit me every fucking time, the ghouls are hard to click cuz they are so fucking tiny, and if you leave him without parental supervision for more than 4 seconds you lose 2 towers and your sisters virginity. I think there's really just one thing to it. It make take a couple games to get the hang of her but she is ridiculous strong against zed once you do. If zed is 75-50% health, e to minion q zed, w forward then auto attack him with w passive until killable with q ignite. Jan 22, 2020 · What I really hate about Zed is that Zed doesn’t have the ability to survive. Zed MU is more like Malzahar vs. That's common in soloqueue and you kinda have to compensate it. base armor buffs were high, nerfed lethality and armor pen. Produced by Blizzard, this game has an extensive roster of over 6 characters to choose from. 113 votes, 18 comments. Galio is also a super hard matchup for zed because he just charges W when you ult and then locks you down and bursts you. This looks horrible. After weq of zed, wait for the shadow to disappear. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. He is so memorable to me not because of his character, but what he actually is. 5 seconds while I had full hp. jxzhw iinca ieutu jtswb vhicu hjdn zgrx lpubz hepbpyn akfjc