The effects of low level laser radiation on bacterial growth By Wendy Chunga , Jerrold S. Petrofsky , Michael Laymon, Jason Logoluso , Joon Park, Judy Lee, Haneul Lee 5 June, 2014 Abstract Objective: The low level lasers currently in the market vary in wavelength, dosage, and frequency. These devices are used with much different clinical pathology. Most notably, some … [Read more...] about The effects of low level laser radiation on bacterial growth (2014)
Effects of Low-Level Laser Irradiation on the Pathogenicity of Candida Albicans: In Vitro and in Vivo Study (2014)
Effects of Low-Level Laser Irradiation on the Pathogenicity of Candida albicans: In Vitro and in Vivo Study By Seyedmojtaba Seyedmousavi, Seyed Jamal Hashemi, Sasan Rezaie, Mohsen Fateh, Gholamreza Esmaeeli Djavid, Ensieh Zibafar, Farhad Morsali, Nasrin Zand, Mohammadreza Alinaghizadeh, Leila Ataie-Fashtami June 2014 Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study … [Read more...] about Effects of Low-Level Laser Irradiation on the Pathogenicity of Candida Albicans: In Vitro and in Vivo Study (2014)
Drug Effects in Yeast Mediated by Scalar Waves (2014)
Drug effects in yeast mediated by scalar waves By JA Ebbers, Konstantin Meyl 21 May 2014 Abstract: Scalar waves (Tesla waves) represent a special class of longitudinal waves in electromagnetics according to the wave equation. The extension of Maxwell`s field equations by the term of scalar waves is stringent since the experimental proof of magnetic monopoles (Morris, … [Read more...] about Drug Effects in Yeast Mediated by Scalar Waves (2014)
SCENAR for Pain Relief & Chronic Illness (2014)
SCENAR for Pain Relief & Chronic Illness By Dr. Jörg Prinz May 2014 … [Read more...] about SCENAR for Pain Relief & Chronic Illness (2014)
Topical Problems of NLS-Diagnosis (2014)
The collection of proceedings of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP) Moscow - 2014 … [Read more...] about Topical Problems of NLS-Diagnosis (2014)
Nikola Tesla: Humble Genius (2014)
Nikola Tesla: Humble Genius 2014 By Selçuk Peker Tesla's Life Technological Innovations Tesla had Invented … [Read more...] about Nikola Tesla: Humble Genius (2014)
Ozone: A New Horizon in Dental Treatment Modalities (2014)
Ozone - A New Horizon in Dental Treatment Modalities by Chirag Raiyani, Ruchi Arora, Deepak Bhayya 2014 Mechanism of action Systems for generating ozone gas Medical uses of ozone Ozone in dentistry Other uses of ozone Application of ozone in medical field Application of ozone in dentistry Goals of ozone therapy Indications and contraindications Advantages and … [Read more...] about Ozone: A New Horizon in Dental Treatment Modalities (2014)
Bioresonanz According to Paul Schmidt (2014)
Bioresonanz According to Paul Schmidt January 1, 2014 By Prof. Dietmar Heimes (Author) Treatment does not have to be the first step to recovery! Rather more, it is up to us to take the first step towards healing our bodies and keeping them healthy be eliminating fields. But what holistic test can we apply to find out whether a health burden is caused by electrosmog, … [Read more...] about Bioresonanz According to Paul Schmidt (2014)
A Comparative Study of Anxiety Disorders Treatment with Paroxetine Associated with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Therapy (2014)
A Comparative Study of Anxiety Disorders Treatment with Paroxetine Associated with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Therapy Medical Innovation of China 2014 By LU Ling, HU Jun. Abstract Objective: To explore the add-on effect of cranial electrotherapy stimulation therapy in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Method: One hundred and twenty patients … [Read more...] about A Comparative Study of Anxiety Disorders Treatment with Paroxetine Associated with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Therapy (2014)
SCENAR: Secrets of Effectiveness (2014)
SCENAR: the secrets of effectiveness By Ritm Okb Zao, m. unakafov A few words about electrotherapy ‘Addiction’ and coping with it SCENAR impulse features How is the SCENAR impulse formed SCENAR impulse vs load Available settings: ‘Energy’ Available settings: ‘AM’ Available settings: ‘Bee’ Available settings: ‘Frequency’ Available settings: ‘FM’ Available … [Read more...] about SCENAR: Secrets of Effectiveness (2014)
Long-term effect of high-intensity laser therapy in the treatment of patients with chronic low back pain: A randomized blinded placebo-controlled trial (2013)
Long-term effect of high-intensity laser therapy in the treatment of patients with chronic low back pain: A randomized blinded placebo-controlled trial By Muhamed Saleheldien Muhamed November 2013 … [Read more...] about Long-term effect of high-intensity laser therapy in the treatment of patients with chronic low back pain: A randomized blinded placebo-controlled trial (2013)
Communication and the Emergencies of Collective Behavior in Living Organisms: A Quantum Approach (2013)
Communication and the Emergencies of Collective Behavior in Living Organisms: A Quantum Approach 4 August 2013 By Marco Bischof and Emilio Del Guidice The Molecular Approach to Biocommunication Supramolecular Approaches to Communication and the Emergence of Order in Biology. A Quantum Field Approach to Biological Dynamic and Biocommunication. Experimental Probes of … [Read more...] about Communication and the Emergencies of Collective Behavior in Living Organisms: A Quantum Approach (2013)
Lymphedema treatment by means of an electro-medical device based on bioresonance and vacuum technology (2013)
Lymphedema treatment by means of an electro-medical device based on bioresonance and vacuum technology by Attilio Cavezzi, S Paccasassi, C Elio Eurocenter Venalinfa, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy International angiology: a journal of the International Union of Angiology 32(4):417-23 August 2013 Abstract The aim of the study was to assess efficacy and safety … [Read more...] about Lymphedema treatment by means of an electro-medical device based on bioresonance and vacuum technology (2013)
Physiological and modeling evidence for focal transcranial electrical brain stimulation in humans: A basis for high-definition tDCS (2013)
Physiological and modeling evidence for focal transcranial electrical brain stimulation in humans: A basis for high-definition tDCS July 1, 2013 By Dylan Edwardsa, Mar Cortesa, Abhishek Dattae, Preet Minhase, Eric M. Wassermann,Marom Biksone Brain stimulation experiments Computational models Validation of stimulation intensity: Subject-specific delivery of electric … [Read more...] about Physiological and modeling evidence for focal transcranial electrical brain stimulation in humans: A basis for high-definition tDCS (2013)
Classification of methods in transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) and evolving strategy from historical approaches to contemporary innovations (2013)
Classification of methods in transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) and evolving strategy from historical approaches to contemporary innovations The Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2013 October 15; 219(2) By Berkan Guleyupoglua, Pedro Schestatsky, Dylan Edwards, Felipe Fregnic, Marom Biksona Scope and Approach Historical development Dosage Present outlook and … [Read more...] about Classification of methods in transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) and evolving strategy from historical approaches to contemporary innovations (2013)
Silver The Miracle Mineral – The End of Infectious Disease (2013)
Silver The Miracle Mineral - The End of Infectious Disease March 31, 2013 By Bob McCauley ND (Author), Bob McCauley (Illustrator) Angstrom Silver has the potential to end all infectious disease. It kills bacteria, viruses, fungus, mold and yeast. It is a completely safe alternative to both antibiotics and vaccines. Angstrom Silver is most effective if you fast (eat … [Read more...] about Silver The Miracle Mineral – The End of Infectious Disease (2013)
Etiology: How to Detect Disease in Your Energy Field Before It Manifests in Your Body (2013)
Etiology: How to Detect Disease in Your Energy Field Before It Manifests in Your Body by Dr. Christina L. Ross, PhD, BCPP What is disease? Why do we get sick? Etiology is a groundbreaking work in the field of disease causation. Author Christina Ross, PhD, is a board-certified Polarity Practitioner and biophysicist who studies inflammatory response which she believes is … [Read more...] about Etiology: How to Detect Disease in Your Energy Field Before It Manifests in Your Body (2013)
Shockwave Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (2013)
Shockwave treatment of erectile dysfunction April 2013 By Ilan Gruenwald, Boaz Appel, Noam D. Kitrey and Yoram Vardi LI-ESWT in vitro and animal studies LI-ESWT for cardiac disease LI-ESWT for ED Abstract: Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT) is a novel modality that has recently been developed for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). Unlike … [Read more...] about Shockwave Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (2013)
Tesla Inventor of the Electrical Age (2013)
Tesla Inventor of the Electrical Age 2013 By W. Bernard Carlson Dinner at Delmonico’s Strangers in a Strange Land An Ideal Childhood Stationary Waves Photographing Power Wardenclyffe … [Read more...] about Tesla Inventor of the Electrical Age (2013)
Energy Medicine (2012)
Energy Medicine By Christina L. Ross December 18th, 2012 How do veritable EMF therapies work Effect of EMF on cytokine production EMF and Inflammation Veritable EM Devices- PEMF Knee Device ,Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) ,PEMF Mats ,How Putative EM Techniques work ,Energy Medicine Therapies … [Read more...] about Energy Medicine (2012)
The role of the doctor versus the patient – Dr. Ioanis Anagnostopoulos – Physician – 3/11
The role of the doctor versus the patient. Vaccinated or not!! Dr. Ioanis Anagnostopoulos Physician Is there a virus or not to be vaccinated or not? Is the vaccine dangerous? If they do, they may get sick. These and many more are the questions that have come into our lives lately. But what is true and what is not? I will not go into the process of giving answers to all … [Read more...] about The role of the doctor versus the patient – Dr. Ioanis Anagnostopoulos – Physician – 3/11
The Effects of Alpha Stimulation on Induced Anxiety (2015)
The Effects of Alpha Stimulation on Induced Anxiety December 2015 By Nolan Hill ABSTRACT Anxiety is defined as an emotional and physical reaction that prepares us to confront a feared stimulus. Among the many measureable changes induced by anxiety are changes in facial electromyography (EMG), heart rate (HR), and sweat gland activity (EDG). At a pathological level … [Read more...] about The Effects of Alpha Stimulation on Induced Anxiety (2015)
The study of electromagnetic processes in the experiments of Tesla (2012)
The study of electromagnetic processes in the experiments of Tesla By B. Sacco, A.K.Tomilin The K. Meyl experiments summary Replication of the K. Meyl experiments and discussion Additional experiments-Frequency response of the system, Phase relationships at resonances, Interpretation of the behavior at the resonances, and Upper resonances in the individual Tesla … [Read more...] about The study of electromagnetic processes in the experiments of Tesla (2012)
Fundamentals of Transcranial Electric and Magnetic Stimulation Dose: Definition, Selection, and Reporting Practices (2012)
Fundamentals of Transcranial Electric and Magnetic Stimulation Dose: Definition, Selection, and Reporting Practices Brain Stimulation Journal 2012 October; 5(4): 435-453 By Angel V. Peterchev, Timothy A. Wagner, Pedro C. Miranda, Michael A. Nitsche, Walter Paulus6, Sarah H. Lisanby, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Marom Bikson Basic principles of EM stimulation Biological … [Read more...] about Fundamentals of Transcranial Electric and Magnetic Stimulation Dose: Definition, Selection, and Reporting Practices (2012)
Electro Acupuncture by Voll (Eav) and Homeopathy Paperback (2012)
Electro Acupuncture by Voll (Eav) and Homeopathy Paperback September 20, 2012 by Nadejda G. Grigorova N. Grigorova, Ph.D., is a chemist, homeopath, and pharmacist. The book summarizes 11 years of her work as a naturopathic practitioner in Africa where she explored the action of a number of homeopathic remedies on different pathogens while testing patients with the Voll … [Read more...] about Electro Acupuncture by Voll (Eav) and Homeopathy Paperback (2012)
‘Use of electrical device on state hospital patients draws scrutiny’ (2012)
Use of electrical devices on state hospital patients draws scrutiny via Austin American-Statesman September 1, 2012 By Andrea Ball The Department of State Health Services has prohibited the use of a controversial treatment at its public psychiatric hospitals after officials say they learned that a doctor performed unauthorized research on aggressive patients … [Read more...] about ‘Use of electrical device on state hospital patients draws scrutiny’ (2012)
The Fourth Phase of Water Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor (2012)
The Fourth Phase of Water Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor September 2012 By Prof. Gerald H. Pollack, Ph.D The Hidden Life of Water What Moves Water Moves the World Aqueous Forms in Nature Unlocking Earthly Mysteries … [Read more...] about The Fourth Phase of Water Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor (2012)
The bio-energetic theory of carcinogenesis (2012)
The bio-energetic theory of carcinogenesis By Michael J. Gonzalez, Jorge R. Miranda Massari, Jorge Duconge, Neil H. Riordan, Thomas Ichim ,Ana I. Quintero-Del-Rio and Norma Ortiz 22 June 2012 Differentiation and Cancer Energy, Cell Membrane and Cancer Mitochondrial Reactivation or Intermediate Metabolic Correction Oxygen and Cancer Ascorbate and Cancer Acidity vs. … [Read more...] about The bio-energetic theory of carcinogenesis (2012)
Bioresonance: a new view of medicine: Scientific principles and practical experience – Dr. Jürgen Hennecke (2012)
Bioresonance: a new view of medicine Scientific principles and practical experience By Dr. Jürgen Hennecke Bioresonance has been an established and proven method of diagnosis and treatment for over 30 years. The author has been successfully using the bioresonance method in his own practice for over 20 years and describes the background, explanatory models and … [Read more...] about Bioresonance: a new view of medicine: Scientific principles and practical experience – Dr. Jürgen Hennecke (2012)
New Insights Into Hypertension-Associated Erectile Dysfunction (2012)
New Insights Into Hypertension-Associated Erectile Dysfunction March 2012 By Kenia Pedrosa Nunes, Hicham Labazi, R. Clinton Webb Mechanisms of erection ED in hypertension Antihypertensive pharmacology Treatment of ED in hypertensive patients Abstract Purpose of Review—erectile Dysfunction (ed) Is Recognized as A Quality of Life Disorder That Needs to Be Treated. … [Read more...] about New Insights Into Hypertension-Associated Erectile Dysfunction (2012)
The Role of Fatty Acids in Oocyte and Early Embryo Development (2012)
The Role of Fatty Acids in Oocyte and Early Embryo Development Reproduction, Fertility and Development Journal 2012 By Paul J. McKeegan, Roger G. Sturmey. The origin of fatty acids in the oocyte and early embryo Fatty acids and metabolism Fatty acids and ROS Incorporation into phospholipids Fatty acids as cell signalling agents Abstract. Growing evidence … [Read more...] about The Role of Fatty Acids in Oocyte and Early Embryo Development (2012)
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla (2011)
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla By Timothy Green Beckley The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla Alien Signals in the Night Communicating With Other Planets Extraordinary Experiences Tesla and Electronic Voice Phenomena Free Energy - Fact or Fiction? The Truth About Alternative 3 HAARP - Chemtrails - Alternative 4 via Amazon SENSATIONAL DATA OBTAINED FROM THE … [Read more...] about The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla (2011)
DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable Cell Communication (2011)
DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable Cell Communication (2011) First Transfer Center of Scalar Wave Technology(1st TZS) August 15, 2011 By Konstantin Meyl … [Read more...] about DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable Cell Communication (2011)
An introduction to theoretical and practical foundations of bioresonance technology (2011)
An introduction to theoretical and practical foundations of bioresonance technology By Ali Motie Nasrabadi JULY 2011 Types of Resonance Diapason electromagnetic resonance Linear oscillation Q factor: frequency description Q factor: time description Nonlinear oscillation: Duffing oscillator in time Nonlinear oscillation: Duffing oscillator in phase space Chaotic … [Read more...] about An introduction to theoretical and practical foundations of bioresonance technology (2011)