The body is electric ⚡️ but the usual approach to heal ourselves is with chemicals — have you ever wondered what would happen if you just increased your voltage?⚡️⚡️⚡️I did, then went on to build a laboratory of the most interesting electrical energy wellness machines you could imagine. Modern medicine failed me and I was curious what else was out there — boy, did I find it!
If you want to learn about the possibilities, be trained how these machines work and experiment with them yourself, I welcome you to the Resonant Frequency Electric Energy Wellness Lab!
So far, we’ve helped identify demons that possessed a young IT worker (it was mold from his basement apartment, got into his lungs, liver and brain — a common problem going back thousands of years!); found that one retired social worker lady was not infected with Lupus, but benefited from some energy focused on her joints; and that one little boy had an e. coli infection on his gallbladder, and he’d survive, good as new in a few days.
Come over to the lab and I will train you to operate the machines, which you can then experiment with to your heart’s content. If you’re old or really sick, if you’ve been to every doctor but not been diagnosed, I invite you to try all this out for free. Save yourself! But if you’re flush and can afford to pay it forward to keep this operation going, the official rental rate for all this stuff, plus me bending your ear on how it all works, is $111/hour.
Here’s what’s plugged in now and my cost.
>> Metatron 4.9 MHz scalar quantum bioresonance – $1,800
>> Advanced Bio-Photon Analyser – $1,800
>> ABPA digital adaptor – $700
>> Bedini 3.1 MHz Rife – $900
>> Slovenian Aplicum broadcasters x 3 – $600
>> Russian frequency Biomedis (airwaves) generator – $800
>> Bulgarian frequency (copper cables) gen – $400
>> Hydreva water magnet vortex – $369
>> Water Vitalizer vortex – $350
>> UV generator USA 1930s – $300
>> Master Violet Ray Ozone USA 1920s – $250
>> Handcrank freq gen USA 1870s – $250
>> Fisher Wallace brain tuner freq – $250
>> Hydrogen water maker $200 (retired)
>> Ozone gel – handmade – $30
>> 2,000 gauss magnet – $20
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The high gauss magnet is powerful. I followed the lab notes from John Crane (Rife’s assistant from the 1960s) used it mend a frozen shoulder. I won’t say the pain was gone in 30 minutes (but it was!) nor there was any causation beyond placebo effect of the experiment I conducted (but there certainly was!) or likely as possibly to have been from poison from the glue of the masking tape taping a lab magnet to my skin. It was the magnet, pure and simple.
The Bedini Rife is a special replica of what Rife had with Hoyland designed by the recently deceased inventor and Tesla expert — this is a big battery generator making 3.1MHz and rolling side bands chords that hit all the notes on the scale.
That compares to the other school which require inputting a specific frequency, as in lower-case “rife-style” frequency generators, from what Rife passed down to Crane — examples would be the Eastern European models included above. Having both, I do want to get to the bottom of what works best and how, exactly.
The violet ray machine is like lightning from a box; the ozone it generates kills your sicknesses, plus there’s a cream made from olive oil and ozone — in my opinion, the best pain relief regimen I’ve ever tried.
I think all of them are interesting and powerful but the one that’s the sleeper, and is the most expensive on the list but worth it and if it cost twice as much I’d probably still get it! It’s a lot of money, but if you have disposable income to do it, do it. That’s the bioresonance machine.
It runs down the Vagus nerve through your nervous system. The machine pings it with questions and your body answers it honestly (unlike a human patient who doesn’t really know) and those responses it can then deal with directly, with software that checks each organ’s frequency against a database of where it should be for your age, and can pinpoint the bugs invading you. This is via headphones. The road map to that turns out to exactly be Chinese medicine’s acupressure and acupuncture points. Who assembled this into a computer was a Russian who developed it for cosmonauts, his son brought it to market for Windows in 2006 — and this all blew my mind in 2021. Once the disease is known, you can also blast it with the Crane-style frequency generators, hitting these bugs specifically by vibrating at the resonant frequency of each bicho.
Instead of a generator, a cellphone app can now also be used to make the signal — a broadcasting device made from ground quartz and resin can be attached as an external speaker to blast frequency silently into a room. That’s from Aplicum, in Slovakia.
Newest in the collection is the Advanced Bio-Photon Analyser and digital adapter. This can work from a photo, intially a Polaroid 600, and now a very hi-res, emaled digital photo, meaning that it can help heal someone (or some thing, as it’s also used for land) from the other side of the world.
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This is not futuristic but long known and understood going back 300 years, having been practiced by doctors in this country for 150 years, was once ubiquitous nationwide but now so very out of vogue for the past 100, so don’t feel bad if you never heard of what apparently everyone at the FDA doesn’t want you to know, for your own safety.
Not a doctor, not a nurse, not a cop, not an electrician! Not a scientist; not a botanist or a phlebotomist. Just a journalist and these are just experiments I freely took upon myself. But I can give you the download on whatever I know, you can learn, try to use these machines, experiment for yourself and see if they work for you.
This is officially the experimental portion of this soon-to-be giant informational website all about this field. The lab might also generate some interesting stories of its own, too.
Really, I’m intrigued by what’s known but forgotten and hope to do it justice. Gathering hundreds of primary source documents, medical doctors writing intro articles and working on the first deep dives to get it going.
Introducing all this to family, friends and neighbors, along with the first curious from around the city, meeting the frequency freaks via this ad; it takes a couple hours to understand what’s at work here and to take a spin on all the machines, and then if you want to use one for a session of whatever you need, go for it.
I welcome you into the lab (pictured above) at $111 per hour for rental use of the space and equipment — of course, the money is just going to buy more machines!
111 Hz is the frequency Dr. Meg Patterson used with electrodes to the head to get Eric Clapton and other rolling stones off heroin.
Or you could pay the price-fix price of a more Nikola Tesla-fitting $369, his magic number for the energetic universe, entitling someone to a three-hour tour plus two $18 2,000 gauss magnets.
Fascinating and powerful stuff.
If it works for you, you should get your own machine — or go to great doctors and experts nearby who use these machines. Experimental use only. Dare I say, not medical advice. Infotainment, or how to obtain it.
Yes, that’s a picture of Mark Twain whose lifetime constipation from being a broke writer was cured in 2 minutes by one of Nikola Tesla’s vibratory machines, and the two went on to wow their friends at The Players Club with electrical performances and parlor tricks.
We’re here to do the same, and to benefit our bodies, not just make the pretty lights.
This original lab (in the corner of our living room) helped dozens of people — senior citizens, Army vets, neighborhood kiddos, mainly — and now we’ve entered the new phase, hand-in-hand with OHM Center. Same idea, but a little more money — it’s $180 / hour because there’s a lot more overhead now with these four dedicated rooms by the U.N. and a full crew of healers on the team. Plus, a few new machines, with even more healing firepower — that’s the vital flame, for sure. Come find out for yourself — 333 E46 NYC.