On some level, this whole website and the core of the RF LAB is this pic: this is the most advanced technology we’ve ever played with. After all the history and artifacts, it’s this modern version that most excites us and is the new favorite thing of everyone who’s spent time in the lab. At its most basic, the image on the screen is the same as the acupuncture model to the right; this is all about the meridians. Access them via needles, via strong magnets, or a computer hard drive.
Have You Seen a Smoker’s Lung?
The RF LAB faces the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, and since we don’t have WiFi, so as not to upset our many RF-sensitive visitors, I’ll wander outside to that U.N. “smoker’s bench” facing the sun. When their giant rectangle of a building isn’t blocking out the light — or, more precisely, before it is…
DNA Scan
Of course, one of the first things to go in a human is Collagen; this is for healthy skin and that elasticity we like. Our old Paratrooper is still a ruggedly handsome fellow (VIP bodyguard and walk-on movie and TV extra) but that elasticity is going. And the proof in the pudding is in the…
Break a Paratrooper’s Heart!
This old U.S. Army Paratrooper is a pretty fit guy, non-smoker, clean living fella, but all those Army vaccines have taken a toll. We’ll do up a case study on this walking lab specimen, but, over two decades as a pin cushion in the armed forces, ya get poked. A lot. All of it adds…
First Lumbar Vertebra — A Paratrooper’s Busted Back!
A close up of a former US Army paratrooper’s beaten to shit backbone, first lumbar vertebra. This guy’s a great hero of mine, a Southern gentleman from Tennessee, was in 126 countries, thinks he parachuted into most of those, it destroys the knees, the back and the next slide will be of the old boy’s…
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