Before and after image showing your (my!) bad stomach.
An H. Pylori bacteria bloom are those brown diamonds, the rest of the stomach sad with red triangles and upset tummy Gastritis. Do nothing and that mass of H. Pylori grows into a Stomach Ulcer. Do nothing and the body turns that into a Stomach Cancer that your body tries to contain, but can’t.
H. Pylori feeds on all your sugar, beer, wine, soda and is actually even energized by WiFi and cell signals (there’s a great lab test with rats being infected with the stuff that we’ll publish here eventually, to your disgust, I’m sure).
FYI, the Pepto-Bismol actually does nothing, but covers it all up. For a moment.
Or use this modern magnetic bioresonance system to identify the true nature of what’s going on with that constant pinching stomach ache. Identify the bacteria by its frequency profile and bombard it with its Resonant Frequency, ie. the same frequency it vibrates at, til it explodes.
Second picture: bacterial threat neutralized, pain all gone. Literally, 30 minutes later, I felt all better.
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