Resonant Frequency is produced by an expert team of doctors, editors and journalists, working together to bring the wonders of their discoveries, understanding, knowledge and wisdom to you, our dear readers.

Doctor, author and fitness enthusiast, Ahmed Zayed, MD, is a surgeon and medical writer, expert in writing about Bioresonance, having written more than a hundred articles for Author of health-related books and contributor to medicine, health and wellbeing websites, Dr. Zayed splits his time between treating patients in the hospital and writing for the public. His byline has appeared in Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Consumer Health Digest, and many others, and his ebook about coronavirus was on Amazon's bestseller list. Dr. Zayed is a 2010 graduate of Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine and is attached to the Egyptian Ministry of Health as plastic surgeon.

Dr. Amy Fletcher writes about science and society full-time from Knoxville, Tennessee, since recently leaving academia, where she was associate professor of political science at the University of Canterbury. She taught in New Zealand since 2000, after earning her doctorate from the University of Georgia and as a stint as legislative aid on telecom and technology issues in Washington. As a scholar, Dr. Fletcher taught undergraduate and advanced courses that focused on the political history of medicine (19th - 21st century), psychiatry, neurotech, and specific issues such as deep brain stimulation and the cyborg. In her book De-Extinction and the Genomics Revolution: Life on Demand, she introduced the current "de-extinction" agenda with reference to Mary Shelley, galvanism, and the 19th century interest in "animal electricity" and vitalism. Look out for more on all these themes, plus deep dives into history and lives of inventor visionaries that she'll explore for readers in these pages.

Certified as a Bioresonance Specialist, Dr. N. Aybike Şahin is a medical doctor with licenses to practice in Turkey and the United Kingdom. In Istanbul, she served as Chief of Medicine in a 600-bed hospital and has paired her clinical practice with medical research, having worked in research settings in both Turkey and Sweden. Dr. Şahin is currently an Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Resident at Istanbul Education And Research Hospital. She graduated from Düzce Üniversitesi Medical School in 2021. Growing up with a historian and vice principal for a mother and a geography professor-turned-dean for a father, she values hard work, dedication, and a love for learning which she shares with her patients and readers here.

Dr. Christine Traxler is dedicated to the practice of medicine and teaching healthy ways of living for all stages of life. As author of more 1,500 health articles, Dr. Traxler is a sought-out expert at making the complex medical world more easily understood. She studied biochemistry and medicine at the University of Minnesota and worked in rural Minnesota as a family practice physician and emergency medicine doctor in underserved medical areas of the state. She now writes from Hawaii, where she also practices general medicine.

Dr. Donika Vata practices General Medicine and shares her knowledge widely as a Medical Writer and Researcher. She publishes frequencly in Health Journal and her study showing ChatGPT's less than stellar performance in replacing doctors was recently featured in Digital Journal. Dr. Vata is a 2021 graduate in medicine at Albania's University of Hasan Prishtina and a 2022 graduate of Acibadem University's program in Robotic Surgery.

Dr. Hamad Shafqat received his medical degree from Pakistan's National University Of Medical Sciences (NUMS) and then completed an internship in Medicine at the Combine Military Hospital (CMH), Bahawalpur. He has been part of numerous clinical research projects and a medical writer for the past five years. Dr. Shafqat’s interests includes traumatic brain injury, disorders of consciousness, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. He’s an advocate for patient-centered care and works to distill scientific concepts in an approachable way. His experience with frequency modalities began with producing all the content for a Vagus Nerve simulation device in the UK.

Renaissance man and medical visionary, Dr. Jeff Sutherland is today a leader in bioelectric medical research, including remote diagnosis, after developing medical programs for cancer and functional vitamin research. In a parallel career, he developed computer infrastructure for financial services and is also the co-founder of SCRUM project management process. A West Point graduate, he was a Top Gun fighter pilot -- completing 100 missions -- for the U.S. Air Force in Vietnam. He has a M.S. in statistics, mathematics and computer science from Stanford University and a PhD in Biometrics, Radiology and Preventive Medicine from the University of Colorado. He chairs a venture capital company to invest in new technology and blogs about his frequency research at the Frequency Research Foundation.

Dr. Savely Yurkovsky, MD, is an internationally known author and teacher with an extensive background in the scientific principles behind the alternative and conventional approach.Having realized that the primary source of health and disease, according to physics, stem from the corresponding cellular energy fields, he adopted a new revolutionary medical model, one that interfaces the theories of biology and physics, established by his mentor, Professor Emeritus of Materials Science, William A. Tiller, of Stanford University. His unique bio-energetic medical system integrates a great deal of pertinent but, until now, underused knowledge from medical and non-medical sciences, Dr. Yurkovsky has been able to transform the often vague nature of medical specialties from "hit and miss" paradigms into a far more effective, exact, and predictable science, and founded a teaching organization dedicated to sharing this medical system, Field Control Therapy and Guided Digital Medicine. He has been nominated for the prestigious Bravewell Leadership Award for "significant contributions to the field of medicine" and "compelling vision for the future of medicine." Dr. Yurkovsky received his MD degree in pediatrics is from the II Moscow State Medical Institute, USSR, in 1975, and completed his training in internal medicine and cardiology, in 1982 and 1984, respectively, at the Downstate University Medical School affiliated program, Coney Island Hospital, in Brooklyn, NY, and was an Assistant Professor of cardiology at the Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola, NY.

Electrical engineer, author and curious of the world around him, Mr. Divyesh Tankariya has published 1,250 articles and five books on Amazon. He graduated with first class and distinction from Gujarat Technological University, in 2020.

Journalist and Publisher of Resonant Frequency, Mr. Joshua Levitt is an experienced writer who came to the world of frequency after the modality saved his life. While Financial Times foreign correspondent and bureau chief, in Madrid, Spain, a trematode opisthorchis felineus, a.k.a. cat liver fluke, from an undercooked piece of fish began to tear through his liver, for decades impacting his skin and befuddling dermatologists, until finally diagnosed by the wonders of a Russian scientist's bioresonance machine, and was cured in an instant. Five years of research later, this knowledge brought forth this new magazine and the opening of the RF LAB. [LinkedIn]

Mr. Michel Aerts is an expert in the fields of water, electromagnetism and quantum physics. A scientist and experimenter who strives to see and touch what research claims, Michel is also an inventor, working on structured water and technologies to imprint signatures of molecules. His findings open new perspectives on changing the properties of water for agriculture, health and the environment. In France, Michel recently joined an experimental farm to test sound frequency fertilizers and structured water generators based on natural radiant minerals, including QELBY Somatids via a new group to be called MorphogeniQ. Michel's long association with EMF neutralizer COMOSYSTEMS taught him how information is stored in water and captured through stochastic resonance. Certified in Yoga Instruction and Polarity Therapy, Michel has spent most of his life working in scientific innovation for laboratories and developing new technologies.

Master acupuncturist, healer and meditation teacher, Ms. Suzanne M. Hill created New York City's OHM Center after 25 years of healing patients with acupuncture (and a brief and unfulfilling career as an investment banker on Wall St.) Dismayed after seeing many people not make the emotional leaps to complete their cures, Suzanne ignited her wonderful spiritual beacon at 63rd & 1st to help New Yorkers evolve their meditation practice, wisdom training and self-love. Suzanne is also an early adopter of new technology, with light, crystals, oxygen and ozone, beyond the mantras, sound baths, reiki, and teaching about our internal healing energy that make up most of the OHM Center's curricula and classes. She partnered with RF to share its trove of frequency machines with her large membership in New York with RF LAB by OHM in her original acupuncture studio facing the United Nations.

Thornton Parsons, born in the Deepest South of Jacksonville, FL, now of Catoosa County, GA, is a novelist and author known for the Lake Eerie mystery book series and the polemic "Jack A$$ Politics and Culture". The controversial book was published on Constitution Day, September 17, 2012, and soon ran afoul of the dark lords of libros who were told to keep it quiet for too much truth. Originals were on sale for $898 on Amazon, now sold out, but soon to be reissued as an e-book you could buy with a $2 bill. Ms. Parsons worked for many years as an English teacher and also as a journalist for radio; here she'll be writing historical narratives about the founders of this field of science and also giving less experienced writers kicks in their keesters if their commas get out of whack.

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