Full Body Scan Metatron using millimeter wave non-linear system bioresonance technology.
12 minute scan, 72-year-old male in the chair, yesterday. The day before, his doctor said: pancreas, prostate, heart. Machine concurs 100%. (Today he’s seeing the prostate specialist.) See the detailed reading below the video on the prostate, low energy and has bacteria. In the video, watch the machine start at the head, go into a blood vessel, go into the blood, go into the DNA chart, go into the DNA.
Holy moly, that is amazing! Are these for sale yet in the U.S.? Where can I go to try this?
Amazing, for sure. These are available only on the grey market. We’re working with import-export whiz kids at FREQEX.com to bring this here, with a deal from the factory. Should be a lot cheaper and more accessible for everyone. Hoping to announce this soon!