Autism, ADD, ADHD, LD and the power of digital medicine
October, 2003
via Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients (Issue 243)
The “mysterious” rise in autism, ADD, LD, ADHD and other related mental and emotional ailments these days represents indeed a formidable challenge for the physicians and families involved.
Conventional medicine resorts to a sophisticated wastebasket explanation for the epidemic–“chemical imbalance” or “genetic disorders,” and simply drugs the victims. The drugging, which has managed to sedate some children with ADHD and help to focus others with ADD, presents several major problems. One of these is the concession of the “specialists” themselves expressed at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Conference of the world’s leading experts on ADHD in 1998: “Our knowledge about the cause or causes of ADHD remains largely speculative.” (1) The side effects of the drugs, however, (the next problem) do not leave much room for speculation. Represented primarily by the dangerous cocaine-like substances, CNS stimulants, amphetamines and others, the side effects present the following and very disconcerting list to every parent or health practitioner: An element of carcinogenicity which exposes millions of children to the future cancer risk, (2) heart damage, (3) adverse impact on the growth hormone, (4) impairment of sexual maturation, (5) CNS damage along with compulsive behavior, movement disorder, hypertension and hallucinations. (6) The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry reported in 2000 that the high doses of these drugs carry a potential for abuse.
The DEA states that in the trials on animals and humans alike, no difference could be discerned between the pharmaceutical stimulants or cocaine when these were administered in comparable doses through the same route. (7) American Medical Association yielded an identical report in comparing the drugs with cocaine. (8) Not surprisingly the withdrawal symptoms could be just as harsh as the ones experienced by the cocaine addicts spinning their victims into suicidal depression where some did end their lives. (9) And to conclude this “product info” list of our “advanced modern day psychiatry”: Long-term dangerous side effects may surface even after years of stopping the drugs. (10) Here are just a few real life examples of this “advancement.”
When Matthew Smith was diagnosed as having ADHD his parents refused the pharmaceutical stimulant. The parents, however, were threatened that they would be brought up on charges of child neglect for failing to meet their son’s “educational and emotional needs,” and lose him to a State-run house. Yet, Mr. and Mrs. Smith lost their boy anyway. He was lost to a drug. It killed him. The autopsy reported a heart attack due to the chronic side effects of the stimulant. (11)
Fred A. Baughman, Jr., MD, a pediatric neurologist was involved in the analysis of other similar tragic cases where a number of the children were killed by the similar drugs which were supposed to meet their “educational and emotional needs.” The ages of the victims to this pharmaceutical onslaught were 7, 9, 11, 12 and 13 years old.
Causes of death: severe heart damage, fatal heart arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, severe abnormality of the white blood cells. (12)
As far as the alternative medicine is concerned, it truly has more clinical reasons and therapeutic options to offer under its sleeve. Heavy metals, (13,14) mercury fillings, vaccines, with or without mercury containing preservative, Thimerosol, vitamin or fatty acid deficiencies, amino acid imbalance, foods and environmental allergies, cranial displacement, psychosyphillitic miasm, candidiasis and parasitosis, make this list still far from being complete.
In the clinical experience of this author, all of these reasons do bear a relationship, though, of a different corresponding weight to the problem under consideration, while from his observations, the clinical outcomes are far from being consistently gratifying when the therapeutic pursuits lack a comprehensive and versatile medical system which is presented briefly in this article.
We shall begin with only a concise overview as to the extent which the above-mentioned factors may cause or set the stage for these disorders and assign them, in the process, with a corresponding clinical importance.
Heavy Metals
A contribution of aluminum, cadmium, mercury, silver amalgam and lead into the genesis of neuro-degenerative disorders has been mentioned in the various sources.
In the testing experience of this author (Bio-resonance testing) silver amalgam and a combination of the two most deadly of its components, mercury and silver, are by far the most prevalent and pernicious. Mercury has been documented to produce degenerative changes in the brain cells very similar to the ones encountered in Alzheimer’s disease. (15) It crosses the placenta and enters, thereby, fetal circulation having high affinity for the brain along with kidneys and liver. (16-19) It is also known to occur in mother’s breast milk. In the testing experience of this author, mercury, silver amalgam and silver-mercury compound enter any organ/ tissue and are contained in every child born to a mother who has or ever had silver amalgam, or for the sake of formality, copper amalgam fillings. (20-25)
I, personally, would not view it as an overstretch to state that silver amalgam and its components can still end up in the baby’s organs even if his mother somehow eluded this deadly gift of American dentistry but simply inherited it from her mother who had amalgams.
The single and most important clinical realization to be arrived at from this mother-child toxic connection is that every child in America, or any other “silver amalgam country,” is born sick.
This sickness can manifest itself directly, indirectly, immediately and soon after birth, or later on in life while setting him up for any illness, including adverse reactions to medical treatments and especially, vaccines. It may surface suddenly as a dreadful disease such as child onset diabetes, leukemia or mental illness. What are the direct and indirect ailments? Initially at a baby’s age: failure to thrive physically or mentally, excessive whining, appetite and sleep disturbance, where either one can be deficient or excessive, hair loss, skin rashes, frequent infections and the myriads of other problems for which pediatricians normally respond to with vague answers. Later on in life, one may simply add just about a full table of contents from a textbook of medicine. Not the least of it, considering the subject of mental health, might be a suicidal depression, schizophrenia or socio-psychopathic tendencies too.
The main reason for the variety and abundance of the clinical problems that the amalgam and its components are capable of inducing, are their several key actions which undermine or simply destroy the body’s defenses: direct toxic destructive effect on cells of organs and tissues they invade, immuno-suppression which leads automatically to an abundance of overt and latent opportunistic and other infections: bacterial, fungal, parasitic or viral; hyper-immune response setting the stage for destructive autoimmune diseases.
Certainly other factors and variables can lead to latent and undesirable fluctuations of the blood levels of metals present in the body. These factors, to mention just a few, might be fluoride, rising lead levels, (26) alcohol, sweets including fruits and fruit juices, and electromagnetic fields. To the nutritional supplement lovers a warning is due too, unless one possesses a high mastery in Bio-resonance testing a carte blanche administration of these pharmaceutical substances, never mind “natural,” can lead to unpredictable and adverse metabolic effects and hazardous fluctuations of the underlying toxins within the body.
Certainly, heavy metals and particularly silver amalgam and its components can cause a direct chromosomal genetic damage in utero. (27, 28)
Vaccines & Thimerosol
Vaccines have been implicated, and for good reason, in the development of dysfunction of central nervous system (CNS) and immunity in general for a long time. This should come as no big surprise and for the two major reasons: One is that the attenuated microbial agents contained in them such as mumps, measles rubella (MMR), pertussis (in DPT) and varicella, all have affinity for the central nervous system and may cause inflammation and destruction of the same brain structures which can be involved in actual infections, at times. This is far more likely to take place in the event of impaired immunity of a child as it is the case when silver amalgam and its components or other heavy metals are present, and especially when they afflict the key immune organs and tissues: bone marrow, spleen, thymus, lymphatic system. Not unlikely at all that these metals residing in the brain and its structures contribute also to the vaccines’ caused infections of the CNS through an impairment of the local cellular and immune barriers.
It is only logical, therefore, that since an addition of extra mercury to the childhood vaccines in the way of a preservative, Thimerosol, has taken place, the rate of autism (and other CNS disorders) has skyrocketed by 800% in the recent years. (29) The incidence of ADD and ADHD, 150,000 children in the US in 1975, has become 4.4 million by 1997. (30-33)
There are several mechanisms, in the view of this author, through which Thimerosol has inflicted the damage:
1. Direct invasion and damage of the CNS
2. Direct impairment of child’s immunity and setting the stage for the infection of the brain and its structures by the attenuated microbial agents present in the vaccines, and also by leading to an overwhelming opportunistic fungal infection related to Candida family
3. Triggering autoimmune reactions against the CNS structures which harbor mercury and the related agents, or Candida species.
Candidiasis & Parasitosis
Invariably, both flourish in the environment where the body’s immunity has been compromised by the immuno-suppressive effect of metals while the intestinal flora has been destroyed by the amalgams and antibiotics. These and other immune impairing factors have been presented in a greater detail by this author in a prior publication of this periodical. (34) As a result: “leaky gut,” numerous food and environmental allergies, autoimmune reactions which also affect the brain. In addition, a rather peculiar phenomenon, in the testing experience of this author, Candida and some parasitic species seem to have assumed the role of mobile warehouses of heavy metals and deliver and release them at random to and in any part of the body, including the brain. This represents the single most challenging diagnostic and therapeutic task. This is especially so in our modern day environment where the ubiquitous presence of heavy electromagnetic fields, present an ideal media for the prone to interact with metals. It also casts a serious shadow of caution over the many “holistic” protocols aimed at killing Candida which, by the way, is a profoundly futile undertaking to begin with, based on a very flawed allopathic premise.
Nutritional Deficiencies and Imbalances; Bad Diet
These, as well as already mentioned food and environmental allergies, represent merely secondary factors in relation to the more serious toxicological and infectious disruptions. The attempts of mechanically correcting these with supplementations is, on a whole, unproductive and is liable to increase new allergenic loads. Likewise, abandonment of bad dietary habits is usually very difficult while the toxic body craves, and is obsessed with, toxic foods.
Cranial, Structural Displacements
As a rule, represent secondary compensatory reactions to the deeper underlying toxins. (35)
Diagnosis & Treatment
In the author’s previous publications in this periodical, (36-39) a special emphasis has been made on several key factors:
1. All diseases classified by generic names and classifications represent virtually misleading and superficial entities which, on a whole represent unrecognized toxicological and infections entities which disrupt normal homeostatic pathways.
2. Their identity, quantitative and qualitative effects, mutual interactions and presence of other favorable or unfavorable, acquired or genetic, factors are always unique for every person afflicted. Strictly speaking there is no autism, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, etc., but only “my own individual set of these factors” which has resulted in outward appearance of these and other diseases.
3. These factors affect the most fundamental level of human physiology –cellular energy fields. From hence the resultant aberrations spill onto more peripheral and only secondary in importance, body chemistry.
4. Based on #2 and #3, all of the diagnostic modalities which delve into biochemical or structural assessments, i.e., laboratory or imaging tests (conventional or alternative) are bound to yield incomplete, imprecise, nonspecific and haphazard data. The therapeutic approaches, likewise, operating at this level, may, at the very best, produce some palliation or sporadic recoveries in mild cases, but are incapable of reversing, halting or affecting the course of serious illnesses in any meaningful way. The medical interventions administered within this paradigm of practice are deemed to be allopathic, regardless whether it is conventional or alternative since they are incapable of addressing the true causes but resort to the mere suppression of symptoms.
The similar shortcomings apply equally to all of the commonly used chelating methods, parenteral or oral: Intravenous EDTA chelation therapy, DMPS, DMSA, Cilantro; oral natural chelators. These are only marginally effective but, except for the intravenous EDTA (poor dental metals chelator) are also unsafe as they are prone to trigger uncontrolled and dangerous redistribution of metals within the body.
All of the contemporary bio-medical research and studies performed within the severe limitations of this paradigm are bound to produce haphazard and outright misleading information.
As one of the many examples of the shallow nature of this paradigm in medicine, which begets all of the synthetic and natural pharmaceuticals “wrapped” in elated claims, let us examine the issue of “safe levels” of known poisons. It has already been stated unequivocally by this author that based on his years of clinical experience in Bio-energetic medicine, the definition itself constitutes a misnomer. (40) It is of interest that at least a few recent studies have already demonstrated results which have to be viewed as erosive of this “safe levels” agenda. One concerned lead, (41) the other mercury. (42) So, oops, automatically the “proven” to be safe Thimerosol suddenly now exceeds the new Federal safety guidelines for mercury which have become as much as four-fold lower. (43) Keep in mind, please, that individual medical meaning of this “just a little extra” mercury even within the very low “safe level” in the blood of a child or an adult who was either born or ended up with mercury or silver amalgam in the brain, or other organ, can become suddenly catastrophic for their CNS or other organ. Someone else, however, who has higher levels of mercury or other toxicological agents but with the stronger individual CNS barrier may not readily reveal any evidence of mental-emotional or neurological involvement for the time being. Yet, when this one-legged paradigm undertakes a study of a relationship between autism and other mental and neurological affections on one hand and vaccinations or Thimerosol or other potentially iatrogenic agents on the other, it may fail to produce a convincing data even if performed impartially, but due to the statistical games which ultimately “package” an outcome of every study. Thus, those vulnerable and liable to be the victims will be “buried” and concealed within the paper piles of statistics that studies produce and then, “bulldozed out” by averaging out the data; this “bulldozed” information is the one that will be fed to the largely ignorant media, and, also, will serve as the foundation for public health safety regulations since it is based on “good science.”
The same shortcomings of the “flip-flop” paradigm contribute significantly to an underreporting of the side effects of vaccines to a staggering degree. There is really no blood or other laboratory or imaging test that exists within the paradigm which can pinpoint the vaccine as the culprit. Since the complications often begin with a fever and flu-like symptoms, it gets blamed on a cold or flu that a child somehow “coincidentally” happened to contract following the shot. Certainly the slowly and insidiously evolving side effects of vaccines are totally out of sight of the parties involved. Another two major factors which influence pediatricians from both admitting to and reporting the accurate side effects data to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), is the fear of malpractice and also, to cover his reputation. This is not to state that all of the autistic, ADD and ADHD children are the exclusive product of immunizations, but in many of these and other cases that I have seen (including my own child with my being a conventional doctor at the time), which undoubtedly were caused by the childhood vaccines, in none of these the pediatricians involved ever admitted to or reported them to the CDC. What does the CDC say about vaccines’ side effects? “They are very safe and the side effects are rare and uncommon.” Of course they are “rare” if nobody reports them. The CDC also has made its party line on the issue very clear by stating that this is a rather ’emotional’ issue and that the only way to find out the truth is through the scientific clinical trials. And these trials, according to the agency, “have proven the safety record.” Read: “You parents are idiots and it is up to us, the scientists, to decide whether the shot turned your child into an invalid or not.”
The scientists, just as a reminder, base their “science” not only on a “flip-flop” paradigm, but with many of them serving as paid “consultants” to the drug companies who direct the studies and, also, may choose at will how to interpret the safety and side effects data. As far as the paid consultants are concerned, the drug companies need not retain most of these “consultants,” they have plenty of their own staffers. The real “beef” is not in consulting, it is in paying for an opinion of the outside and allegedly “independent” experts, which opens doors for their products. That is the reason why, according to the recent report, nearly 50% of all of the medical schools’ faculty members have been retained by the pharmaceutical industry. (44) The other 50% who have not been paid yet must be on the low scale of an academic ladder at this time. But, rest assured, once they come up a little in the rankings they will become “consultants” too.
What does academic medicine itself think about this? “Studies funded by the private sector tend to produce outcomes that are much more aligned with the financial interests of these sectors …” Sheldon Krimsky, Professor, Tufts University. (45) The “sector” has long recognized the golden calf potential within the vaccination business and has now, reportedly, hundreds of new childhood vaccines in the development process. (46) As the United States rapidly becomes a medical dictatorship the morns and dads who would say “no” run a real risk of losing their child to a “safer” State home. How many vaccinations short and long-term side effects remain underreported? In my opinion, at least 90%.
This basically is what constitutes the main flaw of the great majority of bio-medical studies including the ones which have “proven” the safety of vaccines and Thimerosol. As so did, the new monstrous vaccine, containing as many as five different microbial antigens–Pediatrix.
Has it not been the almost century long experience of the entire pharmaceutical industry where the drugs which have “proven” their safety and efficacy in the “rigorous research studies and scientifically sound testing methods” have ended up mutilating, crippling or outright killing millions of people combined?
Getting back to the severe flaws of the paradigm, whether this is aspirin which produced a flip-flop effect on cancer cells, (47) good antidepressant Prozac which reportedly led its recipients to commit suicide, popular acne fix Accutane (48) alleged in triggering violence and suicide, or the powerful anti-anemia medication Eprex, (49) causing fatal anemia in many sick people, are only a few among the hundreds of other examples of huge scientific holes within the “flip-flop” paradigm. The same holds true for “natural” supplements which offer unphysiologic in nature, by virtue of the artificial isolation and drug-like dosages of their contents. Only a few examples of the “flip-flop” effect among the “natural” (50) substances: Selenium (always testing terrible with the Bio-resonance method for the majority, and particularly cancer patients) demonstrated as having anti- and procarcinogenic effect against cancer; also, as diminishing and raising mercury level in the body; Vitamins C and E as anti-and procarcinogenic. (51) Vitamin A anti-cancer properties failed to have a positive preventive effect on the rate of lung cancer in smokers. Another recent study revealed that all this “good for prostate” zinc has doubled its cancer rate. (52) I would not even attempt to go further and open up another gigantic can of worms concerning the mutual interactions and countless synergistic and antagonistic effects that the supplements are capable of producing between one another while virtually having an unknown impact on the multitude of enzymatic functions in the body. One of the main reasons for this seeming deviation from the main subject is that an autistic or ADD, etc., child is the least likely to be able to discern the side effects of the many products and drugs they are liable to receive. It is the duty, therefore, of the parents and medical personnel involved to be alert to this likely possibility. Where does it all leave us? Never to use natural supplements or medications? Well, they can be used but within the scope of a different paradigm, the one that is capable of reading individual needs of the body directly, instead of relying on generic and hypothetical speculations as to what they are. For this we need to turn to the only source of precise information–Bio-energetic diagnosis.
Bio-energetic diagnosis has been the most important modality of Bio-resonance testing method.
The many modalities and approaches, however, which exist within this method do not guarantee the success per se as this depends entirely on the quality of information sought, an ability to interpret its clinical meaning and therapeutic means that are chosen to address the information.
Certainly patient’s proper constitutional assessment, medical history, presence of other infirmities, life style and environmental factors need to be included.
Likewise, truly effective therapeutic interventions can be administered only through energetic modalities, with homeopathy among them being the deepest and most specific and effective. This does not necessarily imply classical homeopathy that is not capable, in the majority, to overcome toxic blocks which are endemic in the modern population. Causative homeopathy, however, in conjunction with the deep and skillful Bio-resonance testing is uniquely capable of carrying out the task of dismantling the abnormal energetic terrain which sustains all diseases. (53, 54)
When and how the treatment of these serious illnesses should commence?
Here, a contemporary medical advice is based on the 5,000 year old wise admonition of Traditional Chinese Medicine that a treatment aimed at attaining a superior health of a child should begin prior to his conception with the future-to-be parents.
Even the generally political EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has declared that traces of toxic chemicals can be found in nearly every American. (55) Undoubtedly the most deadly and the common ones which are also able to cause direct CNS and genetic damage, in this author’s testing experience, belong to silver amalgam and certain of its components. The rate of their useage in the American population? Practically 100%.
Every couple, even if for no other reasons but to conceive a healthy offspring, should undergo skillful Bio-resonance testing followed by the homeopathic system of detoxifying therapy evolved by this author, prior to conception. Since this system of medicine acts upon the body’s physiologic pathways through extraction and delivery of precise energetic information, it can be considered belonging to the category of guided digital medicine intervention.
Unless one is able to derive a benefit of this system I would specifically discourage any attempts at removing silver amalgam fillings prior to or after conception for the fear of a failure to excrete the added toxic loads in view of the inability of contemporary pharmaceutical methods to offer an effective detoxification. Likewise, dental cleaning shortly before or during pregnancy is discouraged in the individuals with silver amalgam fillings.
Treatment with Guided Digital Medicine
Case #1 of a 15-year-old severely autistic boy is presented in a greater detail as it evokes some useful considerations and lessons.
The mother, an alternative medicine doctor, had been allergic to dairy, yeast and mold, and removed many silver amalgam fillings shortly following conception. During her entire pregnancy, the mother was on a perfect diet consisting of the wholesome, organic foods diet, free of sugar, white flour or junk foods, and taking supplements. The baby was born with mental and physical handicaps, required nursing every 30 minutes and developed first ear infection during the early infancy. He received close to three dozen courses of antibiotics for recurrent otitis and eventually had to have surgery, for tubes to be placed in his ears. He craved cheese from the very early age on and suffered multiple food allergies, particularly to dairy, with his nose constantly running. Being late in speaking his first words, he developed a fever without any signs of infection accompanied by continuous screaming for two weeks right after the second DPT shot. This was followed by severe and chronic seizure disorder and drastic setback in his already compromised speech and mental development. The pediatrician denied the side effects of vaccines, the conventional “expert” witnesses said “it can’t be” and the parents lost the case in court. Placed, over time, on six antiseizure drugs but all had severe side effects. At about 7 years of age, following years of failure to thrive physically, was finally diagnosed with parasitic infection. “Holistic” protocol failed but a drug succeeded in producing, at least, normal stool test. Later on in life, two mastoid surgeries were performed for antibiotic resistant infections in one, and organic lesions in the other. Attempted ketogenic diet to reduce seizures and discontinue antiseizure medications. Succeeded in both but developed kidney and liver problems and the “good” diet had to be stopped. Treated at the specialized research center with zero results. Had many blood, hair and stool tests performed. All these years has been on numerous nutritional supplements and treated with alternative therapies including classical homeopathy. Never had silver amalgam fillings. At the time of his first visit and while on organic sugar-free diet fortified with multiple supplements including probiotics and digestive enzymes, and, also, on several seizure medications, presented with a virtually endless list of problems:
Mentally: Severe retardation
Speech: Barely speaks few words, cannot form sentences, makes harsh sounds
Behavior: Very aggressive, bangs his head frequently and on a daily basis, hits windows and prone to attack others; hyperactive, mood swings with agitation. Hyperactivity worse after meals and medications
Neurological System: Seizures continue mostly at night with severe flare-ups around Christmas time; intention tremor, chronic daily headaches for years causing head banging
Gastrointestinal and urogenital: Countless food allergies documented by the blood tests. Ravenous appetite, eats every two hours. Pica, eats feces. Constipation, diarrhea, bowel and urinary incontinence
Skin: Chronic itch
General: Fatigue, intolerant of cold, sensitive to animal hair, mold and other environmental factors. All of the childhood immunizations received on time.
In the office uncooperative with spurts of aggression.
Preliminary analysis of the case: The mother, at the time of pregnancy, represented a virtual toxic warehouse of silver amalgam, candidiasis and perhaps parasitosis along with other toxins. The boy was born with genetic aberrations due to silver amalgam and its components, which were also physically present in the multiple organs, including his brain and immune system. Severe immune deficiency right from birth had led to severe candidiasis and parasitosis which, as a consequence, were followed by incessant bacterial infections.
One of the hallmarks of silver amalgam poisons present in the brain, and also parasitosis, is frequent need for food. In the case of the former, it is related (Bio-resonance testing experience) to the cell membranes of brain cells becoming poorly permeable to blood sugar and other nutrients while also disturbing insulin metabolism through a common damage to the pancreatic gland. (The described brain mechanism is often the case with the migraine headache sufferers.) Parasitosis is known to cause malabsorption. Candidiasis can also contribute to the hypoglycemia in a significant degree.
Massive use of antibiotics only continued to set him up for more bacterial and fungal ear infections as it led to rampant candidiasis which along with parasitosis resulted in countless food and environmental allergies. Children or adults in this state must not be vaccinated, particularly with mercury containing vaccines or further damage becomes certain as was obviously the case here after the second DPT shot. The little boy was in all likelihood in agony from an excruciating headache as the result of encephalitis or meningitis caused by the vaccine. Children need to be first pre-treated with the method presented here and then retested immediately following the immunizations.
Medications or supplements consumed by a child or an adult with even less of a massive breakdown of the internal ecology along with multiple gastrointestinal infections, as in this case, are only bound to become an additional allergenic load and worsen the state. In cases, also, of a deep degree of toxicity, the medications also tend to become ineffective and, likewise, no perfect diet can be found. Any drastic and unphysiologic dietary interventions as ketogenic/Atkins’ diets, should be specifically discouraged on a generic basis including the weight loss. Similarly, alternative therapies, and even classical homeopathy which is indeed very deep but not specific enough of a modality, prove unsuccessful in very toxic states.
As far as the diagnostic assessments are concerned, as a general statement: if one is attempting to gain even a glimpse into any serious pathology by performing tests, conventional or alternative, at a body chemistry level, one probably is better off resorting to doing horoscopes.
The objective of a true biological intervention must have the main specific goals in mind:
1. Pay the least attention to the multitude of symptoms, ailments and diagnostic named disease labels.
2. Identify and remove skillfully, slowly, consistently and gently all of the main toxic agents which dysregulate underlying physiologic cellular fields in the organs and tissues identified.
3. Offer proper environmental and dietary guidelines in order to preclude possible blocking effect of the treatment. This concerns primarily certain electromagnetic fields and all simple sugars. The detailed explanation of these would go beyond the immediate scope of this article.
Bio-Resonance Testing revealed in this case a heavy accumulation of silver amalgam, particularly in the brain and kidneys. Also, infestations with different worms and massive candidiasis with the various species belonging to the Candida family.
Treatment consisted primarily of homeopathic isodes (prepared from actual toxins) accompanied by massive homeopathic organ support (sarcodes) according to FCT[R] system. The patient received barely three testing-treatment cycles (a dozen would have been a far more practical number) and discontinued his further follow-up due to significant improvement and moving out of the area.
After only a first visit his aggressive behavior was much improved. The ravenous, abnormal appetite and daily headaches were gone along with the head banging. Mental status improved as he became more cooperative and attempted to speak in sentences. After the second treatment, the progress continued and the mother stated that he had only three seizure attacks over Christmas in comparison to the year before–60 episodes! The teachers complimented him in school for both the good behavior and better academics.
I did not see him following the third visit but telephoned the parents almost a year later and received again a very positive report: He continues making a very good progress in spite of not completing the treatment, and his seizures have been reduced to only a few a year.
Case #2: An 18-month old girl with a severe genetic disease affecting her mental and neurological systems, suffered from significant retardation and uncontrollable seizures. She was very lethargic, unresponsive to her mother and the family, and unable to establish eye contact with them. She exhibited grossly delayed development and experienced as many as five seizures an hour on a daily basis, in spite of the use of several anti-epileptic medications. Her neurologists and pediatrician took the genetic disease to be the source of all her problems and told her parents that nothing could be done except to increase her reliance on drugs.
Bio-resonance testing discovered unsuspected head trauma. The mother confirmed that the girl had fallen and hit her head prior to the onset of lethargy and worsening of the seizures. Her neurologist’s examination, however, did not show anything abnormal. Several homeopathic remedies were considered to be potentially effective based on the key features of head trauma, lethargy and seizures. One of those remedies, Opium, was determined by Bio-resonance testing to be effective in 12X potency. One drop was given to her in the office.
Follow-up: Within days, she became alert and responsive to her surroundings. Her parents reported a significant reduction in seizures as well. Her further digital medicine management guided by Bio-resonance testing addressed the following multiple toxicological and biological agents affecting her brain and the entire body: copper amalgam, mercury, three different types of worms and one protozoa organism. Also side effects of MMR vaccine, candidiasis, side effects of her seizure medications, harmful foods. She re-injured her head and her seizures became more active while she also started grimacing and playing a clown, classical homeopathic prescription–Hyoscyomus LM1 resolved all this very fast. When she developed a childhood infection with the chicken pox, homeopathic isode of the chicken pox, Varicella 30C, cleared the infection promptly.
Her progress was tremendous in all aspects: mental, emotional and physical. The parents were ecstatic. One of the last treatments she received consisted of classical homeopathic remedy Carcinosin 200C, a good remedy to conclude a therapy in cases of genetic mental affections when the make-up of the patient agrees. Following this she made further improvement.
Her pediatric neurologist, who originally, despite my advice, was reluctant to begin decreasing her seizure medications, has since reduced her dependency on the drugs considerably without hesitation and even encouraged the parents to continue with homeopathic treatment.
Case #3: 10-year-old boy with difficulty focusing, hyperactive, talkative, irritable, aggressive, compulsive, many social interaction problems and poor academics in school. Tonsillectomy in the past due to frequent strep infections. Sensitive to sunlight (typical mercury related symptom).
When eats sweets and white flour all problems exaggerate and bed-wets. Never had silver amalgam fillings. Placed on the amphetamine drug, suffered severe depression and it had to be discontinued, recommended another drug. The parents chose, instead, to bring him here.
At the time of the visit, on a good diet with only occasional sweets and white flour products, taking multivitamins-minerals and other supplements. The treatment with the above-described method addressed mercury, silver amalgam and cobalt present in the brain. Several infections as well, with worms, protozoa and various Candida species were cleared promptly with the homeopathic system.
No classical homeopathic remedies were prescribed. After only four visits was virtually healed completely and became an excellent student.
Case #4: 10-year-old boy with LD, impaired short-term memory, fine and gross motor coordination, sensory integration disorder–can’t tell hot from cold–speech and hearing problems; also multiple allergies, thick eczema since birth, addicted to orange juice, on a Special Ed program, followed by a neurologist. Other pertinent data: prone to frequent strep infections, never had silver amalgam fillings, treated for several months by an MD specializing in clinical ecology allergy without any improvement, took supplements. Treated by this office with the method described. The following problems were identified and addressed: mercury and silver amalgam in the brain, side effects of DPT shot affecting energetic readings of the spleen, multiple worm, parasitic and fungal infections in the gastrointestinal tract.
The outcome: About 80-90% of all problems were gone and the mother and teachers reported much improved academics, heightened interest and initiative in a classroom.
Given by the end of the treatment, classical homeopathic remedy Lycopodium LM1 for dyslexia, and made further progress.
Case #5: 13-year-old boy seen with Tourette’s Syndrome manifested by making involuntary bird-like singing sounds. On the average he was making hundreds of sounds on a daily basis since the age of 5.
Also late talker and significant LD noted since an early age. Overall, severe emotional problems. Suffers from multiple neurotic habits, OCD, full of fears and anxieties of just about everything. Had to be boarded in a Special Ed school.
Had two silver amalgam fillings since a few years prior, after he already had acquired all of his problems; continuous ear infections and antibiotics since being a toddler. The treatment addressed the following Bio-resonance testing findings: silver amalgam and mercury in the brain, side effects of DPT shot, several worms, parasitic and Candida family infections. Was also given on an intermittent basis several classical homeopathic constitutional prescribings: Argentum Nitricum (particular neurosis picture), Helleborus (home sickness combined with mental dullness) and Lycopodium (a tyrant in the family, a “chicken” in school). The progress commenced with the very first treatment and he was, subsequently, practically cured. Became a different child in the two years’ time. His father, a school principal, commented “It is a miracle, doctor, this is a different child!”
Case #6: A boy in his early teens with severe ADD, LD and uncontrolled epilepsy. Daily seizures provoked by just about any food, food preservative or chemicals in the environment. In addition would also become viciously violent and hallucinate on a daily basis too. Impossible to study even with a home tutor, expelled from school for dangerous behavior. Sleeps on the floor at home in a bare cage-like room. Reacts to any bedding and demolished all the furniture and doors in his bedroom. All problems took place for 10 years prior to the visit.
Managed by a chief of pediatric neurology at a prestigious University Medical Center and also by numerous alternative practitioners, including the ones specializing in brain chemistry, allergies and classical homeopathy. Had multiple blood, urine and stool tests performed. All of these approaches failed and, in addition, he continued to deteriorate progressively.
All vaccinations on time. Mother had ulcerative colitis for 20 years (i.e., massive parasitosis, candidiasis, mercury in the large intestine). At the time of the first visit, still on antiseizure and psychotropic drugs continued without any visible benefit.
Diet: Distilled water, brown rice and millet. If he were to even smell sugar he would immediately go on a “trip” and attempt to kill anyone in sight.
Never had silver amalgam fillings. Diagnosed and treated according to the system presented in this article.
All of the Bio-resonance findings–silver amalgam, mercury, massive parasitosis, side effects of DPT and MMR vaccines, multi-species candidiasis and head trauma were addressed according to causative homeopathic system.
In addition, he tested to be very allergic to his seizure medication which was laden with preservatives and artificial sweeteners. It was tapered off and discontinued along with the psychotropic drugs. Subsequently, he was completely cured of seizures, all allergies, hallucinations, hyperactivity, antisocial behavior and returned to school. He was eating anything including abundance of junk food, after long years of deprivation, and able to withstand any environmental chemicals without reacting.
His EEG became normal and the brain mapping showed significant improvement. He, however, was left impaired in his mental and social skills as, understandably, someone who missed out on the crucial developmental stages in his formative years and all of his life.
Case #7: A middle-aged woman with Down’s syndrome brought by her parents with the main problems consisting of OCD, mood swings, high anxiety level, fears, missing menses for many months and hypothyroidism. On Armour Thyroid 60 mg. daily for years.
Had one or two silver amalgam fillings in the past which were removed. On a good diet and takes supplements. Undertook alternative therapies in the past without success. Managed by conventional endocrinologist for hypothyroidism who explained her missing periods as menopausal changes. Family history notable for the high cancer rates. Treated with the Guided Digital Medicine system which addressed the following problems: silver-mercury, lead, cadmium and silver amalgam in various organs, including thyroid, brain and ovaries, also, marked candidiasis. Given intermittently classical homeopathic remedy–Carcinosin–for significant family history of cancer, genetic mental affection and, very importantly, because it was also her constitutional remedy. Yet, the remedy alone was able to produce only a modest progress. The significant changes occurred when causative homeopathic system was administered. The end result: mood swings disappeared, anxiety, fears much reduced, OCD improved, mental abilities increased, the “menopause” ended and the thyroid function completely recovered. She no longer needed the Armour Thyroid and her blood tests confirmed this.
The last and Case #8 of Jenny is notable for its 11 year history managed from the infancy on exclusively with Guided Digital Medicine according to FCT[R] system and the case was progressing on a parallel course as the system itself was continually evolving and being perfected.
The parents brought the girl at the age of 3 months with the complaint of the baby being generally very discontented and keeping the mother sleepless every single night while screaming constantly for nursing. Bio-resonance testing, unexpectedly, indicated the presence of recreational drugs in the brain with the baby deemed to be suffering from the withdrawal problems. The mother admitted to being under a lot of stress during the pregnancy and resorting “at times” to drugs and alcohol. A remedy (autoisode) was prepared out of the girl’s urine and everyone’s sleep was restored.
On a whole, the following list of problems had to be dealt with during Jenny’s growing years: very delayed speech and mental development, extremely touchy with terrible behavior tantrums particularly if meals were even slightly delayed, severe LD, would not remember what she did a minute before, low stamina, feeling cold, being a sugar-pasta-pizza addict, very stubborn (“iron will”), frequent colds settling in the chest, runny nose, recurrent stomach pains, sleep walking, psychopathic tendencies destroying, heartlessly, family pets and valuable household goods, cheating, stealing, plotting, running schemes in school with embezzling monies and goods from classmates, yearning to be a leader and manipulate others. While in kindergarten she was assessed by the child development specialists who told the parents that in no way would she be able to attend a public school but require, instead, a long-term Special Ed schooling. Physically, mentally and emotionally she represented a deviant with multiple health problems, a serial killer or other kind of a criminal in the making. From the point of view of classical homeopathy she was displaying ominous traits of psycho-(crafty con artists) syphilitic-(sociopaths) tuberculinic (physically frail, allergic predispositions) miasm. The parents were advised to postpone all immunizations and subsequently she received only the polio vaccine, but at a much later age, with it being administered via a more physiologic oral route.
The following toxicological and infectious problems were identified and addressed exclusively through the homeopathic system: silver-mercury, silver amalgam, mercury, lead; parasitosis, candidiasis and campylobactor infections. Intercurrent classical constitutional prescribing was carried out with Lachesis (speech problem with frequent throat infections), Silica (cold, frail, stubborn), Bacillinum (frequent upper respiratory infections, tubercular isode), Anacardium (sociopathic behavior), Nux Vomica (very competitive, bossy, antisocial tendencies), Sulphur (creative wheeler-dealer). All of her infections were always handled homeopathically, primarily with causative homeopathy. She received only one course of antibiotics in her entire life and even that one was due to the parents’ anxiety and could have been easily avoided.
Today she is bright, creative with a maturity level ahead of her peers, displays exemplary social skills, hard working, good at foreign languages and playing instruments, superb memory. Attends a high pressure regular public school, one of the best in the country, receives only two hours a week of extra one-on-one help, average grades: A’s, B’s and C’s. Also, a good leader, “heart and soul” of her class and teachers’ delight. At home a great help, very responsible, good at fixing things, conducts multiple chores and can virtually run the whole big household on her own. Very compassionate with and protective of the family animals and wants to become a nurse to help sick people.
Physically: full of energy, does not care about pastas or pizzas, hates sugary sweets and enjoys only sour-sweet fruit; just one cold a year and recovers on her own quickly and without any remedies, full of energy, good athlete.
Never had a childhood infectious disease.
As the number of the children diagnosed and drugged with these conditions has reached well into the millions in the US alone, these ailments present a great deal of emotional and socio-economic burden on their victims, families and society on a whole.
It is imperative to recognize that the successful treatment of these, and for that matter, other diseases can be administered only within the framework of a different approach. The one that is more encompassing, versatile and operates at a more fundamental level of human physiology than the majority of medical specialties and approaches which are bounded by their narrow views of disease or their individual limitations. It is worth reiterating that any health infirmity caused by acquired, genetic or lifestyle factors always represents a unique puzzle in a given individual. The physicians, therefore, ought to be guided with the proper diagnostic tools and equipped with therapeutic means to be able to read and solve effectively these puzzles.
Savely Yurkovsky, MD, President
SYY Integrated Health Systems, Ltd.
37 King Street
Chappaqua, New York 10514 USA
Fax: 914-861-9160
(1.) “Controlling the diagnosis and treatment of hyperactive children in Europe,” Council of Europe Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee Report of 7 May 2002, Doc. 9456, point 15.
(2.) Sydney Walker, III, M.D., The Hyperactivity Hoax, (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, New York, 1998).
(3.) Ibid.
(4.) Dr. David Stein, Ph.D., Unraveling the ADD/ADHD Fiasco, (Andrews Publishing, Kansas City, 2001).
(5.) Ibid.
(6.) National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement: “Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD,” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1 Feb. 2000.
(7.) Dr. Mary Ann Block, No More ADHD, (Block Books, Texas, 2001).
(8.) Brian Vastig, “Pay Attention: Ritalin Acts Much Like Cocaine,” Journal of the American Medical Association, August 22/ 29, 2001, Vol. 286, No. 8.
(9.) Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM-IIIR), (American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C., 1987).
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(25.) Khera, et al., Teratogenic and genetic effects of Mercury toxicity. The biochemistry of Mercury in the environment (Nriagu, J.O. Ed Amsterdam Elsevier, 1979, 503-18).
(26.) Neurotoxicology 21(6): 1019-1100, 2000.
(27.) Op. cit., Drasch.
(28.) Op. cit., Khera, et al.
(29.) Journal American Physicians & Surgeons, Spring 2003.
(30.) Richard Grandpre, Ritalin Nation, (W.W. Norton & Co., New York).
(31.) Dr. Fred A. Baughman, Jr., “The Future of Mental Health: Radical Changes Ahead,” USA Today, March 1997.
(32.) Op. cit., Walker.
(33.) Physician’s Desk Reference–1998, (Medical Economics Co., N.J.), pp. 1896-1897.
(34.) “Spleen Epidemic and Non-Disease Treatment of Diseases”; TLfDP, October 2000.
(35.), Professional Information Center, Cranio-Sacral and Cranial Therapy; Chiropractic Medicine; Applied Kinesiology, Bio-Resonance Testing, EAV (Electro acupuncture According to Voll), VEGA Testing; Homeopathy, Classical; Homeopathy, Causative; Biological Dentistry/Silver Amalgam/Mercury.
(36.) Savely Yurkovsky, MD, “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity–From Treatments to Cure,” Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, January 2001.
(37.) Savely Yurkovsky, MD, “The Thyroid Gland: Cures, Fallacies and Fixes,” Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, May 2001.
(38.) Savely Yurkovsky, MD, “Infectious Diseases: What are we Treating?” Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, June 2000.
(39.) Savely Yurkovsky, MD, “The Spleen Epidemic and Non-Disease Treatment of Diseases,” Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, October 2000.
(40.) Op. cit., Yurkovsky, “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity–From Treatments to Cure.”
(41.) JAMA, 2003; 289: 1523-53.
(42.) JAMA, 2003; 289: 1667-74.
(43.) Journal of American Physicians & Surgeons, Spring 2003.
(44.) Academic Medicine, August 2003.
(45.) Ibid.
(46.) USA Today, 2/4/03.
(47.) Walter Heiby, The Reverse Effect, Med Science Publishing.
(48.) USA Today 11/4/02.
(49.) The New York Times, 10/2/02.
(50.) The reason for the word “natural” is placed in quotes because in the opinion of this author, the only source of truly natural nutrients is food.
(51.) Op. cit., Heiby.
(52.) NCI Study, USA Today, 7/2/03.
(53.) Op. cit.,
(54.) Savely Yurkovsky, MD., Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear Warfare–Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones: The Power of Digital Medicine, (Science of Medicine Publishing, New York, 2003).
(55.) U.S. General Accounting Office, June 1992, “Toxic Substances: Advantages of and Barriers to Reducing Toxic Chemicals,” Report No. GAO/RECD-92-212.
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