Bioelectromagnetics: The State of the Science
By Alessandro Chiabrera, Bruno Bianco, Simona Bruna and Stefano Giordano
The Receptor Endogenous Field
The Metabolic Force
The Classical Model␣ of Interaction: The Langevin-Lorentz Model
The Quantum Model of Interaction: The Zeeman-Stark Model
Electromagnetic exposure, from Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) to Radio Frequency (RF), at field intensity or Specific Absorption Rate
(S.A.R.) values below the current safety standards can affect biological processes. In this paper, we discuss a biophysical basis for assessing the effects of low-intensity ELF-RF fields, with specific emphasis on ion binding as a first interaction step. The actual endogenous potential energy (Uend ) of the ion in the binding crevice must be consistent with the data provided by the protein
data bank. We developed a method for evaluating Uend from the protein data, which has been incorporated in the Langevin-Lorentz (L-L) classic or in the Zeeman-Stark (Z-S) quantum modelling of a ligand ion-receptor protein system. The models include a metabolic force which emulates the basal state of any living cell.
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