Diagnosing and addressing causes of chronic diseases through bioresonance testing and field control therapy
January 2016
via Townsend Letter (Issue 390)
Diagnosing_and_addressing_causMedicine has failed in the care of chronic diseases. None of the types of research or clinical trials have made a difference because we have not identified a cause.
–Professor Colin J. Alexander, MD
Bioresonance Testing: Why and What It Is?
Since the above quote reflects one of the most important reasons for medical failures in chronic diseases, depth and clinical significance of diagnostic testing in relation to causes of disease hold enormous potential for their cures. Certainly, the latter still requires choosing the right treatment, among the many in conventional and alternative medicine. In this regard the proper diagnostic testing, besides apprehending the very causes of disease, is also indispensable in determining which treatments did or did not fail in addressing the causes. Overall, the importance of high precision diagnostic methods in relation to causes of chronic diseases cannot be overestimated. However before we determine what the right method is, we need to consider the major reason for failure or why “we have not identified a cause.” The main reason for this is that the prevailing laboratory or imaging tests cannot identify the pathogens within the very source of chronic diseases–sick internal organs–in the living. This leaves us with the only viable option, which is proficient bioresonance testing. Thanks to the human body’s being a macroquantum energetic system with its organs and tissues being electric semiconductors, according to the most fundamental science–physics–such testing becomes medically practical and scientifically sound. It also uses another well-established phenomenon of physics, resonance, which assures energetic resonance communication between the fields of homeopathic vials carrying energetic imprints of the internal organs and potential causative agents of their illness, on one hand and the person’s internal organs, on the other for diagnosis.
How Accurate Is Bioresonance Testing?
Let us start with the picture that is worth 1000 words.
The photos below are of a 14-day-old boy with a “helluva” rash that was causing him great distress plus lethargy and loss of appetite. Steroid and antifungal ointments prescribed by a dermatologist and his pediatrician, respectively, did not help. Bioresonance testing indicated mercury in his skin and gastrointestinal tract, due to mercury residues in his mom’s dental fillings, which were removed before the pregnancy. The test also indicated a double skin infection with candidiasis and staphylococcal bacteria.
Several homeopathic remedies were given to address the findings, as based on the testing, and the house’s electromagnetic fields (EMFs) were addressed through the German technology Memon. The rightmost photo below is 10 days later displaying a completely recovered and happy baby.
His pediatrician’s feedback: “I have never seen anything like this healing so fast.”
The next photo (p. 48, L) reflects some “wildlife,” or tapeworms, that exited a woman with head-to-toe complaints, following only homeopathic treatment. The latter was based on the findings of bioresonance testing that detected tapeworms, which even affected her brain. Each day preceding such exiting sessions she would become extremely irritable and aggressive.
The photo below right is of a similar nature, with the host being a man. This followed only homeopathic treatment based again on the findings of bioresonance testing.
Other convincing cases from my practice on behalf of the accuracy of this testing:
This patient, a medical scientist himself, suffered sudden severe delusional schizophrenia immediately following the insertion of a silver mercury amalgam filling. Yet, following removal of presumably all of his new and old mercury fillings, he remained ill by the time I first saw him.
Bioresonance testing, a special type of applied kinesiology, indicated the ill effects of nickel and mercury on his brain and also concealed a mercury filling in one of his teeth. This could not possibly be visualized, as one can tell from his report.
Dear Dr. Yurkovsky:
I would personally like to express my gratitude for
suggesting to me through your expertise in kinesiology to
remove the root canal located at the upper right (maxillary)
second bicuspid. You had indicated that this tooth was a
primary reason for the presence of nickel in my body. I
had the tooth extracted on July 22nd by Dr. B–, an oral
surgeon and colleague of mine, and sure enough you were
Upon extraction, Dr. B–first noted that the tooth had
a metal crown. I requested that Dr. B–crack the tooth
open and we discovered not only silver mercury amalgam
but also two nickel posts to maintain the crown.
Thank you again.
Another statement indicating similar accuracy of the testing:
Dear Dr. Yurkovsky:
Your evaluation by kinesiology of residual mercury in
the lower right 2nd molar area on our patient has been
confirmed by an X-ray showing a piece of amalgam filling
embedded in the tissue.
Yours truly,
—, DDS
Note that the probability of coming to these conclusions by pure chance is only 1 out of 10,000, yet the bioresonance testing correctly identified this problem.
Another example of bioresonance testing identifying high mercury levels embedded in the body of a tooth that had a mercury filling removed in the past.
8 January 2007
To:–, DDS
From: Dr.–
Department of Chemistry
RE: Mercury in extracted tooth devoid of amalgam material.
We tested the tooth that you sent to our lab for mercury
levels. Surprisingly, the tooth spiked to over 5,000
nanograms which maximized out my instrument which
was set to measure 0 to 100 nanograms. This means that
the tooth most likely contained much more mercury than
the amount measured. In the future, we will dissolve the
teeth and add just a fraction into the instrument to get a
more accurate measure. This tooth was … #31 and tested
as severely toxic in our in vitro toxicity tests, which was not
A boy with multiple food allergies was fed exclusively organic and allegedly pure foods. However, some of these according to this diagnosis, tested less pure than others and indicated the presence of toxic metals. The subsequent toxicological report below indicated the presence of copper and cadmium (a known carcinogen), which he was consuming regularly.
An environmental inspection of the house for asbestos confirmed its presence after bioresonance testing detected it in the lungs of a boy whom I treated. It is very likely that the testing and following treatment with homeopathic asbestos have prevented the possible future development of the deadly lung cancer mesothelioma.
Another young fella was covered with a disfiguring rash from head to toe without any response to pediatric and dermatological treatments. Bioresonance testing indicated mercury as the culprit. While he responded well to its homeopathic treatment, it was only temporary, as the testing again indicated the presence of mercury in his intestines. The bioresonance testing of his mom’s breast milk indicated the presence of mercury, with her mercury fillings being the most likely source. This lab report confirmed high levels of mercury being present in her breast milk.
Date Reported: 09/14/1999
Units: Mercury–Breast Milk 39 mcg/l
Time Collected: 4:30 PM
Analysis by cold vapor atomic absorption
And this, a rather striking example concerns a potentially fatal disease, sarcoidosis, which turns lungs into a web of scars and can do the same to the heart. In the case of this young man, both were getting destroyed by scar tissue, with his heart conduction being affected and his heart rate so slow that it was incompatible with life and necessitated a permanent pacemaker. Among the significant causes related to his disease, bioresonance testing detected fungi, molds from wheat flour (he owned a bakery), and numerous environmental pollutants, including dust, asbestos, and other toxic insulating fibers. Also, he used to carry out housing demolitions. In spite of high doses of prednisone, he was still doing very poorly, experiencing chronic fatigue, difficulty breathing, and other debilitating problems. Almost immediately following just the first treatment based on the aforementioned test’s findings, his progress led to the discontinuation of prednisone. To fast-forward his medical course, today and for the last 14 years, this man has lived a normal life without any medications, and only on a FCT maintenance treatment. His pulmonologist states that his breathing tests look better than most other people’s, his lung scars could not be detected with chest X-rays for many years, and his heart barely needs the pacemaker since his severe conduction defect has disappeared.
So, as probable or improbable as his diagnosis was, the end result speaks for itself.
Are There Limitations to Bioresonance Testing?
Since there are limitations to 100% of all human inventions, including space rockets and computers, so too are there limitations to bioresonance testing. The main ones are the scope of understanding what is important to diagnose or ignore in disease and, then deciding on the most effective treatment to address the findings. And the great variety of different techniques and equipment in this field only detracts from these most important issues. Exactly the same holds true for personnel who program computerized bioresonance testing equipment. No matter how much we think that computers are another God, if that were the case, why then have computers failed to find a better energy source than toxic fossil fuels, turn everyone into millionaires by playing the stock market, or prevent and cure all chronic diseases? The simple answer is that people who program computers have failed to find such recipes.
by Savely Yurkovsky, MD
Sample particulars:
One sample of LAMB LIVER, as declared by the party was received
Limit of
S. No. Test Results Detection
1 Lead (as Pb), ppm Below detection limit .01
2 Cadmium (as CD), ppm 0.05 —
3 Copper (as Cu), ppm 115 —
4 Tin (as Sn), ppm Below detection limit 1.0
5 Arsenic (as As), ppm Below detection limit 0.05
6 Mercury (as Hg), ppm Below detection limit .01
Yurkovsky, Savely
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