Field control therapy: successful approach to Lyme disease and coinfections Part 2
August-September 2015
via Townsend Letter (Issue 385-386)
Case 1
Mrs. B (see her quote in part 1, July 2015 issue) returned to an active lifestyle and work. However, the treatment course was neither easy nor quick, primarily due to the massive doses of antibiotics received previously in order to kill Lyme and coinfections, with both having successfully survived all of the “killings.” In this regard, besides a wise admonition of the famed French physiologist, Claude Bernard (“The state of the body or terrain is everything, the microbe is nothing,”) his fellow microbiologist and Nobel laureate in medicine Dr. Luc Montagnier with his colleagues have also alerted the infectious disease specialists to the following sobering facts:
Pathogenic microorganisms in this day of age are not only submitted to high selective pressure by the immune defenses of their hosts but also have to survive under highly active antiviral or antibiotic treatments. Not surprisingly, they have evolved in finding many ways to escape these hostile conditions, such as mutations of resistance, hyper variability of surface antigens, proverbial biofilms, latency inside cells and tissues. (1)
Note that Professor Montagnier’s research in homeopathy, based on conventional medicine, has yielded positive responses against microbes. Concerning treatment protocols to allegedly “better” overcome biofilms, cyst forms, and other bacterial defenses, scientific literature paradoxically states that the antibiotics themselves can lead to the development of bacterial biofilms! This is because antibiotics lead to Candida infections that promote bacterial biofilms. Even though as an “insurance” antifungal drugs, herbs, probiotics, and other substances are added to antibiotics, there are dozens of Candida species, and to presume that an antifungal regimen is equally effective against all of these species equals to acting more in faith than in science.
Furthermore, not only do antibiotics lead to mutated bacterial infections that are far more difficult to treat, but Candida or other yeast species can mutate and turn into more aggressive forms too, following long-term antifungal treatments.
Considering the fact that human DNA evolutionarily originated from bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms and the DNA of our mitochondria have still retained bacterial genes, antibiotic treatments represent a potentially large threat to both human immunity and health in general. Perhaps, that is why there is a direct, documented relationship between antibiotic use and cancer.
Scientific literature also states that antibiotics or any antimicrobial or meant “to kill” agents grant zero future host resistance against the infections being treated for. All these reasons are why I exclusively use homeopathic Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, and other microbes, because besides being very effective in the short run and while restoring one’s immunity, homeopathic antimicrobial stimulation can also lead to much better future immune resistance. This has been confirmed by scientific studies, with one involving even as many as 2.3 million people to prevent a deadly infectious disease wherein an effective long-term antimicrobial resistance was successfully achieved. (2-3)
The latter proved even more effective than a conventional vaccine while being 10 times cheaper, but conventional medical journals refused to publish this study without offering any reasons for rejection. However, in chronic diseases such as Lyme, use of homeopathic vaccines alone can fail or even backfire if one ignores the state of existing immunosuppression. Many other non-Lyme infections, as was the case with this and other patients, were identified and treated because these greatly add to and sustain the state of immune deficiency, due to several main mechanisms:
1. They overburden the immune defenses.
2. They, in addition to Lyme, release mediators that impair different immune defenses.
3. They enhance the state of general inflammation that often leads to the increase of electromagnetic sensitivity, which both by and of itself and in conjunction with mercury and other toxic metals exert significant immunosuppressive effects.
Case 2
Woman in her 60s presented in a state of formal Morgellons disease with colorful fibers coming out of her face and scalp, plus a slew of debilitating symptoms: fatigue, pains, depression, hypertension, and others, for years. All prior treatments for Morgellons had failed and Lyme diagnosis was missed. A good quality of life has been returned to. her following the series of treatments, along with significant progress in her overall health, with Lyme disease not being an issue anymore.
Case 3
Man in his 40s diagnosed with Lyme shortly prior, yet stating that he likely had it since he was in his 20s. He experienced poor memory, anxiety, neurological symptoms, decreased vision, poor energy and sex drive, and head and back pains. Tried many natural treatments without success. After a fairly short series of FCT treatments, he reported feeling the best he had in years and practically symptom free.
Case 4
An alternative practitioner in her 40s with a state of head to toe problems for several years: decreased memory, burning mouth, fears, knee and back pain, headaches, hypoglycemia with sugar cravings, thyroid problems, poor energy, and inability to lose excessive weight. After only a few treatments, she reported feeling “the best ever in my life.”
Case 5
Woman in her 40s with massive body breakdown, over the years, and a diagnosis of possible Lyme. Her state: periodic fevers, debilitating back pains, fatigue, headaches, phobia, anxiety, abnormal space perception, food allergies and cravings, multiple infections–parasitic, bacterial, viral–enlarged lymph nodes, and a neurological voice disorder. Many prior treatments were of no help. Yet, in spite of her inconsistent dietary efforts and poor genetics, after some dozen FCT treatments, she reported: “I feel so much better than when I started with you. I keep being amazed by it.”
Case 6
Woman in her 60s with generalized joint pains, chronic anemia and fatigue, treated by her rheumatologist with two anti-inflammatory drugs for rheumatoid arthritis, for years. Diagnosed through bioresonance testing as having Lyme, among other causes. Within a year, she came off both drugs, has had her anemia resolved, and quality of life progressed to normal.
Case 7
Man in his 50s frequented emergency rooms with typical heart angina pains. All heart tests, including coronary artery catheterization performed at a prestigious university heart center, turned normal and his cardiologists were puzzled. Following brief FCT treatment for Lyme, based on bioresonance testing findings, his chest pains ceased.
Case 8
Middle-aged woman suffered from debilitating migraine headaches for many years. The big part of this was missed Lyme infection in the brain. The outcome: no more migraines.
Case 9
Woman in her 60s, a very intelligent former UN executive, in a state of complete personality change with severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks with crying, obtrusion of cognitive function, blurred vision, sensation of inflamed brain, arthritic pains, fatigue, dizziness, inability to read due to poor focus and not retaining information afterwards.
After 2 years of unproductive rounds through conventional specialists, she was finally diagnosed with Lyme and coinfections by an integrative MD. Weeks of several antibiotic treatments along with supplements resulted only in a mild improvement of depression and anxiety.
I advised that she stop all antibiotics, due to the detected side effects by bioresonance testing, and supplements. However, even though she wanted to finish the course of antibiotics out of fear, she had to discontinue one of these anyway, admitting that she did feel its side effects. Following her first FCT treatment, she reported that her arthritis, panic attacks with crying, and inflamed brain were gone, and she experienced an increase in energy and focus, with brain fog and dizziness becoming almost a nonissue. She also stated: “I can tell you that on your drops, especially the Lyme ones, I felt much more Herxheimer reaction than on my antibiotics.” Following discontinuation of her second antibiotic and receipt of another FCT treatment, she reported that her problems were gone.
Case 10
A young woman who reported her invalidlike state reflected in Ms. C’s quote in part 1 of this article (July 2015). After her visit, she very reluctantly followed my advice to stop all of her antibiotics for Lyme and coinfections. Following only her first treatment, with two successful and in total so far, she reported having ceased looking and feeling like a corpse, and even experienced the return of her sex drive, which she had lost 5 years prior, from the onset of Lyme. She also reported much improvement in her pains and decreasing her narcotic painkiller, and in her internal body vibrations and muscle twitches which she had suffered after using an electrocuting machine for Lyme. She too noted stronger Herxheimer reaction to homeopathic drops, compared with all of her prior antibiotic regimens.
Case 11
Man in his early 60s with multiple medical problems: sinusitis since infancy, fatigue in the afternoon for decades, brain fog, arthritic pains, and chocolate cravings, all for years. All these were resolved in 8 or 9 visits.
Case 12
15-year-old boy treated with several courses of antibiotics for Lyme disease. However, all of the complaints persisted: fatigue, headaches, arthritic pains, shortness of breath even when only walking, low appetite, difficulty keeping up with schoolwork. All of these were resolved after 2 or 3 treatments.
Case 13
Man in his late 20s, athletic trainer, complaining of fatigue, depression, panic attacks, left sided body heaviness and brain fog, all for many years, a decrease in short term memory, motor speech problem and brain-body detachment for years. He has received more than half a dozen psychotropic drugs over the years and was still on a few. After 8 months of the treatment, reported being off psychotropic drugs, for 4 months by now, for the first time in the last 12 years. Most of the problems are gone, others are better or much better, but by his admission: “My workplace is so loaded with computers and fluorescent lights which drain me and I feel it slows my complete recovery.”
Case 14
A woman in her 30s, with debilitating symptoms for years, diagnosed with Lyme disease and Bartonella some 2 years prior to this visit. She was unsuccessfully treated with bouts of multiple and prolonged antibiotic treatments, as well as alternative approaches by her integrative MD. Her condition involved massive pains, severe neurological symptoms and fatigue, gaining much weight, food intolerance, respiratory and vaginal infections, severe mental impairment and brain fog, falling down after taking even a few steps, experiencing auditory hallucinations of birds chirping, loose bowel movements, and depression. Her integrative MD was planning on placing her on a special Alzheimer’s alternative and conventional (pharmaceutical drug) program.
But, besides Lyme, my bioresonance testing, as always, detected a slew of other unhealthful items especially affecting her brain: pesticides, herbicides (she lived in farm country), solvents, mercury, and one of the flu viruses. Following a single treatment, she reported that she stopped falling down, she had a substantial increase in energy, her auditory hallucinations of chirping birds disappeared, her bowel movements normalized, and she experienced a disappearance of the obtunded Alzheimer’s-like mental state with an increase in mental clarity and word recall, as well as overall feeling much healthier and happier.
Case 15
A middle-aged woman in a state of chronic facial pains and twitches, fatigue, anxiety, fears, headaches. She” was treated by an osteopathic doctor, a book author and specialist in chronic pain disorders, without success. Among other causes, bioresonance testing identified Lyme affecting her trigeminal nerve in the face and TMJ. She responded to the treatment very well and has attained normal life as well as her osteopathic doctor’s unselfish support for FCT.
Case 16
A 9-year-old girl was referred to a psychiatrist for psychotropic medications by a surrendered child psychologist because of the girl’s restlessness, OCD, aggression, moodiness, and overall unpredictable behavior, which all continued getting worse over the years. Bioresonance testing found Lyme infection present in the brain, among other causes. She was 90% cured after a single treatment and completely after the second one. “She is just normal. Huge change, huge, huge, since we came here,” said the mother.
From these reported and many other tested and treated patients over the years, it seems evident that Lyme disease and coinfections represent only a segment, however significant, but not even nearly a total disease. That is why the success of these reported cases was predicated on identifying and properly addressing other important segments of this total disease. These, among others, include toxicological agents and other infections, electromagnetic stress, and many dysfunctional exhausted organs. That is why, in these cases anti-Lyme therapeutics were not used alone, but only in conjunction with other important measures to address the totality of the individual sick state of the body.
Concluding where we started, lessons from the philosophy of science, it is to state that it is not bioresonance testing, per se, that makes the difference in important diagnostic findings, as too many alternative practitioners still seek or even claim that they have found the best one, as if there was some Kentucky Derby winner in this field. But the truth is such “best” bioresonance technique, machine, or method, including FCT’s, does not even exist. It is a theory behind the test, like quality of questions asked through a microphone and not the microphone itself, which matters. The same with treatments, it is not just “homeopathics” or “homeopathy” or “special remedies,” all of which can be used in hundreds of different ways, but a sound theory that dictates which ones are the most effective based not on “homeopathics” at hand, but on the primary needs of individual patients’ disease states.
So, keeping all of these important elements in mind and even while Lyme disease with coinfections do represent a notorious, powerful multiheaded hydra with its uncanny ability to regrow its heads, following medical attacks, it can be successfully defeated through a more encompassing and different medical approach, as the experience presented here has deemed.
(1.) Montagnier L et al. Electromagentic signals are produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequence. Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci. 2009;1:81-90. doi: 10.1007/s12539-009-0036-7.
(2.) Yurkovsky S. Biological Chemical, & Nuclear Warfare –Protecting Yourself & Your Loved Ones: The Power of Digital Medicine. Science of Medicine Publishing; 2003.
(3.) Bracho G et al. Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control. Homeopathy. 2010;99:156-166.
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