The RF LAB faces the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, and since we don’t have WiFi, so as not to upset our many RF-sensitive visitors, I’ll wander outside to that U.N. “smoker’s bench” facing the sun. When their giant rectangle of a building isn’t blocking out the light — or, more precisely, before it is and after it is — I get some nice solar energy on my face, and check my messages. And so do a lot of the UN smokers milling about.
What they’re devastated to learn, usually only a few minutes after meeting me, is what a black lung really looks like. See above.
On this machine, yellow circles (on the left) means high energy and healthy and (on the right) light red triangles, becoming purple triangles, become brown diamonds, becoming black squares, all bad, low energy, chronic, unhealthy cells.
And that means sickness if you don’t take it seriously and change your ways. Even trying this machine once, something hilarious happens — you don’t want to smoke. The urge is less. It seems less interesting. And doesn’t taste good, or, more precisely, you recognize for the first time since you started smoking in international lawyer school, how gross it tastes.
A little bit of an undiplomatic approach mine, but it works.
Salvador Dali’s DNA
Talking about DNA, we’ll be taking the cherub to visit the honored grandparents in a few weeks to Flah-rida, that sunny place for shady people who we love, especially this time of year, with NYC stuck in the mid-20′ F wintry moment. Big excitement will be the Dali Museum, in St. Pete, where we’re going…
Stomach Ulcer? Pepto-Bismol Addiction? It’s H. Pylori!
Before and after image showing your (my!) bad stomach. An H. Pylori bacteria bloom are those brown diamonds, the rest of the stomach sad with red triangles and upset tummy Gastritis. Do nothing and that mass of H. Pylori grows into a Stomach Ulcer. Do nothing and the body turns that into a Stomach Cancer…
Continue Reading Stomach Ulcer? Pepto-Bismol Addiction? It’s H. Pylori!
Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injury is the most devastating accident. Beyond possibly being paralyzed for life, there is certainly loss of feeling, movement and years of pain to endure. One visit to the lab / clinic was of an acupuncturist (healing the healers has become a specialty!) who got into this modality after being hit by a…
DNA Scan
Of course, one of the first things to go in a human is Collagen; this is for healthy skin and that elasticity we like. Our old Paratrooper is still a ruggedly handsome fellow (VIP bodyguard and walk-on movie and TV extra) but that elasticity is going. And the proof in the pudding is in the…
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