—– DRAFT —-
MorphogeniQ will soon be bringing the wonder of Korean QELBY to the rest of the world, the Franco-Belgian-Korean consortium told Resonant Frequency.
This patented ceramic is revolutionary: MorphogeniQ is a natural means to restoring energy to the human battery.
Before getting into the science and history of this wonderous material, it’s worth shining a light on all it can do.
If this were just about a consumer product, I’d begin with let me introduce you to this latest Korean health innovation…
Ceramic somatide enzymes baked into tiny clay bath balls!
Energize them in the sun once a month, then drop the balls in a water bottle…
Rub one on your skin, pour them into a bathtub and soak for an hour.
Fully reusable — for a thousand years!
And the reason why you are doing all this: its rejuvenating effect for your whole body is wonderful!
The method to its genius, you ask?
Your body runs at 0.25 millivolts and this patented mix of minerals, QELBY, as its known in Korean, generates a charge you can absorb of a healthy 0.37 mV.
A body needs to generate up to a peak 0.50 mv for cells to replicate; if your voltage falls under 0.22 mV, you’re sick, and at 0.15 or below, chronically so. When the battery drops to 0.0, it’s donezo! (That’s when they give you the two paddles to quick charge the heart…)
And life with a battery is fully charged, is to enjoy being the proverbial energized bunny.
Who writes about this is the opthamologist Dr. Jerry Tennant in his “Healing is Voltage” series after curing himself by re-learning the functioning of cells. Voltage maps to the pH of the cell; alkaline signifies the higher charge.
Ways you can upgrade your voltage are being charged in the sun, eating fresh fruits & vegetbales ripened by the sun, excercise creates energy as do prayer and meditation. Plus, get pure energy from the force within magnets, light beams, lasers and electricity.
Add to that list, here – and with no wires! — otherwise intert-looking ceramic balls — not metallic, not magnetic but clay, like rough cut marbles, or even dusted cholocate truffles. Drop them in your water pitcher, then in a few minutes they’re working and overnight, gang busters.
With wires, here, watch as a few thousand balls, emit enough energy to power a light bulb — or a person.
[Michel – is this what we’re saying?]
Another way to see this in action is with bubbles — watch as a bottle MorponegiQ water is frozen for three hours, look at all that trapped energy! Like a snapshot in motion: a frozen vortex of O2 oxygen.
Mr. Aerts: “What I say is that when ceramics are exposed to water, it produces non stop oxygen in the water and electrons due to the phase difference. As the water turns to ice, bubbles of oxygen get trapped in the hardening ice, producing this visual effect of a geyser of bubbles But there are plenty of standard physcial measures to prove the production of electron, it is called measuring the ORP (redox) or better, one can measure the ????², that is an equation between the ORP and the pH with the Nernst equation: [Michel, what’s the full equation here?]
“Your whole body’s water becomes more gel-like — protecting cellsl — and also having a negative charge, it improves all the bioelectricity to interact with other cells: that’s called morphogenic water, this part of water in our cells that is more conductive and more dense.
“The water becomes negatively charged, what allows all these electrons to perform biological tasks, like emit enough electrons to power a bulb : it “could” become a project of bioelectricity, but we have a different view. What interested me the most, is that the microcurrents produced in a bathtub of these will get our cells to produce more ATP and to create new cells — rejuvanation!”
“This all goes to explain why our silicon dioxide powder in facecream could be a wonder product in te treatment for bedsores, skin wounds, any area where you’d want to regrow new cells quickly. Drinking our MorphogeniQ water improves this quality, and we can also add that quality into other products, like food supplements, or our vitamin B12 project.”
This reporter tested earlier Korean examples of QELBY — SY 1000 these shaped as discs — and the effects were wonderful, we used them as part of our regimen to this day. Delicious, soft water, and our family won’t drink anything else! When the first samples come, we will report!
Balls, discs and many new products made from energy radiating QELBY silicon dioxide powder and even clothing will soon be available, moving into international markets after being developed in Korea.
Korean inventor Lee Jong Doo reached a worldwide partnership to form MorphogeniQ BV with a Belgian-registered consortium led by French water researcher Michel Aerts who led international sales for anti-EMF company Cosmosystems. Their expansion plan is global and also includes building production facilities in three locations.
QELBY – acronym for Quantum Energy Living Body – is a fusion of a special ceramic powder with feldspar natural clay mineral that forms a QERM – quantum energy radiating material.
It has a long history — the subject of a future deep dive along with the booming Koreanc consumer magnet industry — starting with a South Korean scientist who was caught in North Korea for many years, then made it home with this invention. But his research led to a flurry of compounds and competitive rivalries in Seoul, ending with a patent in Korea by Jong Doo Lee in 2016 since tested widely by researchers and academics who confirm how unique the stuff really is.
According to Mr. Lee’s Korean Patent No. 10-1172018, QELBY is made from SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, K, and Mg. It radiates reductive energy that can fuel new cell growth in the human body, tests show it has the notable property of absorbing radiation, especially gamma rays and X-rays.
The ceramic can withstand temperatures beyond 1,000°C. for more than 10 hours.
Where QELBY really astounds is beyond creating structured water. It’s the charge that it generates also creates a ceramic-organic version of a long-known-about-though-rarely-talked-about ingredient in the human body:
Somatides, aka Microzymas.
Dismissed as “cellular dust” in the 1850s before science had any idea of their purpose — somatides are the tiny swimming dots among the white and red blood cells seen with a microscope.They are charged up with this extra energy.
Mr. Aerts: “This represents a most fascinating challenge in biology and an area researchers have ignored all this time”
“Why nobody ever inquired ‘what was inside’ these tiny living creatures, calling them ‘cellular dust’, as if it was a category to neglect and sweep under the proverbial carpet, of course, I jumped at the opportunity to work with Mr. Lee to better understand and commercialize this technology.”

“Drinking this water or taking a bath in it allows microcurrents to re-launch the cellular regenaration cycle — what explains all the results on revitalizing sick cells or reversing cellular ageing,” Mr. Aerts said.
“The effect of this is what everyone was chasing stem cells for — the exciting part is that this simply rejuvenates the blood, triggers the Somatids and that’s what allows the body to regenerate,” Mr. Aerts explained.
How he uses it? Pours tap water over the ceramic balls: it creates in minutes pure structured water emiting infrared, electrons, UV, all imbued by your body.
Mr. Aerts said in his own experience, he has totally recovered from blood acidity, no more cramps, more energy.
QELBY lasts forever, with no electricity, no power, nothing to plug in — it runs on the sun, once a month: eternal access to instant this powerful structured ceramic somatid energy in your water hydrating your cells with extra oxygen 02 vibrating at a frequency set by the ceramic balls in the bottom of the water bottle.
In addition to balls and baked into bottles, themselves, the company has embedded the material into clothing — wear this T-shirt to stimulate your blood!
Mr. Lee, the inventor, gave Mr. Aerts a statement for RF to explain more of the science, in full:
“We succeeded in developing a special manufacturing method. The method involves using natural ceramics containing minerals such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, K, and Mg in the first, second, and third stages.”
“After changing the properties such as zeta potential and CEC of ceramics, through grinding and heat treatment processes, a state-of-the-art plant separates and extracts mineral somatide in high concentration and combines them with ceramics for industrial use.”
“As a result of testing, it survives without dying even when heated at a temperature of over 1,000 °C. for more than 10 hours and uses energy. It was confirmed that a diverging extreme super body exists. This technology has already been registered as an invention patent.”
“After continuous research, the organism that exhibits these characteristics is a medium between living and inorganic substances. It was confirmed that it was mineral somatide in the liver.”
“Mineral somatides exhibit characteristics similar to microorganisms. However, it has completely different characteristics from existing living organisms. For example, at high temperatures above 1,000 °C. It can be said that it continues to function even after being heated.”
“What is noteworthy is that it creates an environment that is absolutely favorable for the survival of living things. It has the effect of improving vitality, including activating immunity, which is directly related to survival. As a result of the experiment, ceramic powder fused with mineral somatide radiates reductive energy that is beneficial to the human body.”
“It has been confirmed to have properties such as fever, antibacterial, deodorization, decomposition, cell activation, cell regeneration, and immunity enhancement. It has the notable property of absorbing radiation, especially gamma rays and X-rays.”
In terms of new applications of the material, the sky’s the limit, says Mr. Aerts, who found QELBY after looking to expand on his current work with energizing water in France.
The EZ Water part he knew, but this somatide revelation was unexpected. The path there came through a lifetime of Mr. Aerts experimenting with these forces.
“We were already having very good results with imprinting sound frequencies as natural fertilizers – sound frequencies that we turn to electromagnetic fields and photons – above the water,” he said. “We had also developed an interesting vortex machine that is vitalizing water and some infrared LEDs at specific frequencies doing the same,”
“But the moment we foundthe somatides, we knew we held the missing key to come up with a fantastic quantum product.”
“When we tested it, the QELBY ceramic material not only was generating huge amounts of EZ water, but that it was working even as a non contact form, by the radiating properties of the material emitting infrared and ultraviolet light.”

The concept of energized or structured water & recent studies
The crux of it is that energy is information that travels in geometric patterns in light that can pass through water which modifies its structure and that impacts whoever drinks or bathes in it. .
The concept of energized or structured water, living water, EZ Water, in science dates back 100 years to Austrian Viktor Schauberger, originally, an expert in how to float logs down rivers, who realized it was the water’s clockwise spinning – a vortex, like a tornado – that was imbuing H20 with energy that our “dead” tap water is now without.
Mr. Aerts and his colleagues have been studying its effects for decades.
In his 2012 book The Fourth Phase of Water, University of Washington Professor Gerald Pollack popularized this concept of structured water as EZ Water, or Exclusionary Zone Water, finding that the vortex energy – by clockwise motion, magnet or somatides, in this case – actually changes the composition of water from H2O to H302.
So it’s the same H20 with extra O2, ie. Oxygen, for a body to enjoy! Beyond the chemical, there is the moving energy, the result of the vortex at its core, compelling us forward, and this water is also imbued with that and we imbue the water.
University of Kobe, Japan, Professor Roumiana Tsenkova, a Bulgarian, developed a new science around this more complex understanding of water, she calls Aquaphotomics.
Her expertise began with investigations using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as sensor for disease diagnostics, in the case of mammary gland inflammation, at Moscow Agricultural Academy of Science, Russia, which turned out to be the right instrument for studying these changes in water.
Prof. Marc Henry, Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Quantum Physics at the University of Strasbourg, diving into the spectroscopy findings of water, was able to expand on the many attempts in the past decade to quantify the molecular process at hand, publised in a 2019 paper.
Prof. Henry, prompted by research in 2018 by Prof. Saima Ahmed’s Department of Chemistry at the University of Zurich, described how scientists are using Raman and terahertz spectroscopy with wave numbers 30–300 cm–1, to study the intermolecular vibrational modes of water, as well as hydration dynamics around solutes.
Italian physicist Roberto Germano, author of AQUA: Electromagnetic Water and its Amazing Adventures, and expert in technology transfer via PROMETE Srl – CNR Spin off Company, led a 2022 paper in the scientific journal WATER that confirms the direction that Mr. Aerts is heading.
He finds another form of this same energized water that can be extracted as a solid he calls The Xerosydryle in his recent paper New Physicochemical Properties of Liquid Water Resulting from Recurrent Contact with Hydrophilic Polymers. Characteristics of the Resulting Supramolecular Aggregates
Mr. Aerts is a collaborator of all these researchers, who, in their listservs and chats, hope this new development will elevate our understanding further, with new applications of this wonderful science.
Prof. Pollack and associates examined QELBY in a 2017 paper, comparing it to NAFION, a brand name for a sulfonated tetrafluoroethylene based fluoropolymer-copolymer synthesized in 1962 by DuPont that can convert Hydrogen to electricity with water as a byproduct.
Mr. Aerts describes the experiment:
“Prof. Pollack used two materials: to produce EZ water you need hydrophilic polymers – that attracts water – and he tested NAFIO and QELBY. He promptly realized that the QELBY ceramic material not only was generating huge amounts of EZ water, but that it was working even as a non contact form, by the radiating properties of the material emitting infrared and ultraviolet light.”
In other words, just passing this material over a person’s skin would generate the 0.37 mV microcurrent it emits.
One take away that hasn’t been mentioned in this study of increased voltage is the famous experiment that show salamanders regrow chopped limbs — it’s because of their voltage:
Meaning, when we increase our charge, and do so significantly, what we’re really doing is generating a lot more cells that repair our body all it once. This is basically stem cells — high-powered cells given a lot of fuel to burn.
So, yes, if you were spinning a lot closer to 0.50 mV, your cells would have all the energy to multiply constantly; basically, regrow everything all at once with vigor like a salamander!
Rrally, if you can get on board for a season, new cells replace old cells from sick organs, organs regenerate entirely in a few months, so complete renovation is within reach once a body begins to repair.
Heal thyself with MorphogeniQ energizing ordinary tap water into an H302 vortex.
Links to vids on the Korean site
This is Michel’s story, but I helped him write it with some background and in that snappy American English we love to read here….