Where there once were dozens of homeless men, sleeping on sidewalk mattresses under bunkers of cardboard or huddled by cook stoves, today there are hearts.
All along downtown’s walkways, chalked hearts have taken over psychic and physical space where New York City’s marginalized have spent the pandemic.
To where they’ve gone now, no one knows, but the police raids and public health follow ups for those still asleep on public benches make it known as a decision that came from on-high. Meanwhile, in their stead, New Yorkers woke up to the miracle of modern art.
A street artist and mystic who goes by the Instagram nom de craie @NewYorkRomantic is behind all this inverse mayhem.
By his count, at least 180,000 hearts have been emblazoned on the city’s streets, the majority by him, but many also by imitators. In these season of pandemic and pandemonium, the artist has been doubly busy, spending his bailout money on chalk, and trying to rehumanize the streets for New York’s citizens.
“This city has to support more uplifting public art, they have to keep the streets clean to give them a fresh canvas,” he said, looking up from his work.
By some estimates, 40% of the population, including many in the uptown neighborhoods, have decamped to Hampton homes or to the mountains upstate. For the rest of the city’s inhabitants, the streets, in the middle of a heatwave, are where their lives are made.
August vs. July
Mayor Bill de Blasio, aka Sandanista Bill de Bunked, is now taking it on the chin after repurposing three hotels in the city’s tony Upper West Side for homeless, junkies and pedophiles, all who come out during the day to wreak havoc among the gentry.
And, to the glee of the tabloids.
Even Police Chief Dermott Shea, who lives right there, has been mum to the insanity.
After the burning, looting, murdering occupiers took City Hall plaza for a month, the only way de Bunked made a move was when Governor Cuomo had to inform him that unless he did something, the President would be sending in the big guns to do his job, to restore order on the streets.
Why the sudden change of mind to do something about the encampments?
The closest we have to the truth is what the Mayor of Portland said yesterday:
After 70 days of rioting, Portland’s Mayor Ken Wheeler finally condemns the rioting when he realized that it was not federal agents causing the mayhem and chaos.
After telling rioters that they are being used as a prop for President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign, rioters blocked the exits of the East Precinct and tried to burn it to the ground with all the Portland police inside. Only then, was Wheeler moved to speak out.
According to a Fox News report, Wheeler said, “When you commit arson with an accelerant in an attempt to burn down a building that is occupied by people who you have intentionally trapped inside, you are not demonstrating, you are attempting to commit murder,” Wheeler said in a news conference with Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell.
And there ya have it. These red menace mayors finally figured it out — their cities’ lack of law and order makes good B camera footage for an opposing law and order candidate. Duh.
All this communism chaos is getting dull —- New Yorkers yearn for those halcyon days of busy subways and cramped restaurants, but at least the streets are again a space of brotherly love.
The heart and soul of a city are its streets and these tired avenues and alleyways here are sacred ground.
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