by Velio Bocci
Physical-Chemical Properties of Ozone – Natural Production of Ozone: The Toxicology of Ozone
How Ozone Is Generated and Its Concentrations Measured?
Preparation of Ozonated Water and Oil for the Topical
Therapy – Ozone as a Drinking Water Disinfectant: Ozone Disinfection to Prevent Nosocomial Infections
How Does Ozone Act? How and Why Can We Avoid Ozone Toxicity?
How Is Ozone Administered?
The Actual Six Therapeutic Modalities
The Potential Toxicity of Ozone: Side Effects and Contraindications of Ozonetherapy
Is Ozone Really a “Wonder Drug”?
The Clinical Application of Ozonetherapy
The Dilemma Between Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Hot) and Ozone Therapy
The Still Uncertain Future of Ozone Therapy in Medicine
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