Study of Microwave Radiation in The Reduction of The Concentration of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae in The Search for A New Radiotherapy for Bacterial Endocarditis
By Alexandre Maniçoba De Oliveira, Maria Raquel Manhani, Joao F. Justo, Tarcisio
Fernandes Leão, Isabella Di Stasi, Antonio L. Marques, Antonio M. Oliveira Neto,
Ulisses Brandão, Ruan V. De Melo.
9 March. 2018
In recent years, many efforts have been made to increase the tools to control the reduction of
microorganisms by the use of microwave radiation, both in the health area and in the food industry.
This study aimed to evaluate the lethal effect of microwave radiation on Saccharomyces cerevisiae
yeast cells. A total of eight 20-mL aliquots of a suspension ofS. cerevisiaein saline solution were used in
the study, in which two of them were completely isolated from any type of electromagnetic radiation
(control samples) and the others were bombarded in different scenarios, varying the power of the
radiation in 2.45GHz resonance chamber for a period of 10 seconds. A reduction of the order of 102 in
the concentration of the yeast suspensions exposed to the electromagnetic radiation with 375 W and
750 W of power was observed.
Effects of microwave radiation
bacterial endocarditis
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