Virus Destruction by Resonance
Journal of Modern Physics
Professor Emeritus, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) School of Physics
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Auguste Meessen was born in 1932 near the Belgian-German frontier. He studied physics at the Catholic University of Louvain, where Georges Lemaître was one of his teachers. After his PHD, he was Research Associate at MIT, USA, and returned in 1962 to the UCL. He became there professor, teaching Quantum Mechanics, Theoretical Physics, Solid State Physics and Didactics for physics teachers. He was also in charge of their continued formation by means of regular seminars. He began with nuclear experimental physics and did like experimentation as well as theory. Physics advances, indeed, by discovering new facts and explaining them. This requires to conceive plausible hypotheses and to draw consequences that can be tested. Research continued after 1996, as professor emeritus. Becoming aware of enigmatic phenomena and trying to understand them is, indeed, a marvelous scientific job.
Publications were related to research in three different directions: 1) Basic Physical Problems that require new approaches, 2) Science and Society calling for shared responsibilities, 3) Unconventional Flying Objects. They have often been observed, but are still mysterious. The main difficulty is always to separate facts from ideology. This appeared in an instructive way by studying the phenomenon of water memory.
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