A Cartography of Energy Medicine: From Subtle Anatomy to Energy Physiology
By Eric Leskowitz
July 2020
Subtle Anatomy
Selected Em Techniques
Energy Physiology
Unexplained Clinical Phenomena
The field of energy medicine (EM) is perhaps the most controversial branch of integrative medicine. Its core concept – the existence of an invisible healing energy – has not yet been validated by Western medicine, and the mechanism(s) of action of its techniques have not been fully elucidated. This paper addresses these problems by marshalling several types of evidence: basic science research into electromagnetic fields (EMF), subjective experiences of EM, and clairvoyant perceptions of EM in action. A hypothesis is then developed to explain these finding.
The main components of the human subtle energy system are presented: the “subtle anatomy” of the meridians, the energy centers and the biofield. Several representative EM techniques are then analyzed to determine which specific components of that energy structure they impact. Next, EM’s mechanisms of action are explored by describing how these altered energy dynamics can affect biologic processes. This subject is termed “energy physiology”, in further parallel to conventional medicine’s foundation in anatomy and physiology. Finally, potential research into energy physiology is outlined that focuses on several common but unusual experiences which are not fully explained by the current mechanistic biomedical model. Plausible and verifiable energy-based explanations are proposed for phantom limb pain, emotional entrainment in groups, unusually rapid symptom responses to EM, and the invisible templates that guide cell growth and differentiation.
This outline is intended to serve as a guide to future clinical and research explorations of the multidimensional nature of human beings, as Western medicine begins to more fully understand the energetic components of health and illness.
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