Energy Medicine
2 October 1987
Energy medicine is the most comprehensive concept introduced in medical diagnostics and therapy to account for a whole range of phenomena and methods available to help an individual proceed from sickness to health. The modern medical theories do not account for, much less accept many traditional therapies due to deep suspicion that the older methods are not scientific. However, the Holistic Health groups around the world have now created an environment for therapies which work at subtle energy inputs, at the cellular and molecular levels. Moreover, there are other – as yet unexplainable – energy fields which are being utilized to rebalance the Body-Mind-Spirit triad in an individual. A brief introduction is provided to these subtle energy inputs and methods of manipulation of the vital forces in the sick. Many ancient health technologies such as Yoga, Ayurveda, Acupuncture etc have proposed and work under different energy movement in the body. These are all Energy Medical Systems whose efficacy is beyond any doubt in therapeutics. Thus, Energy Medicine forms a broad based system and it introduction is important to widen the scope and content of medical therapy so that optimal treatment of the sick is possible.
Models in Energy Medicine
Holistic Health
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