Royal R. Rife…Shattered: My Personal Experiences With The Rife Universal Microscope
May 24, 2022
By Steven Ross (Author)
In the 1920s and 1930s Royal R. Rife discovered the frequencies that destroyed the pathogens responsible for the causes of 60 diseases. Rife accomplished this feat through his Universal Microscope. The Universal surpassed all the theoretical limitations for light-source microscopes obtaining magnification of nearly 60,000 diameters. Rife demonstrated, with his group of the most distinguished medical doctors and scientists, that he could destroy the virus that appeared to be the causative agent for cancer. Steven A. Ross possessed this one and only microscope for two years and has original letters, newspaper articles and Rife’s original laboratory notes. Nobody other than Mr. Ross knows where the microscope is today.
- Publisher : Less Complicated, Inc. (May 24, 2022)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 157 pages
Steven A. Ross, Ph.D. is co-founder and CEO of the World Research Foundation. For more than 40 years he has researched and lectured around the world. He has delivered more than 250 lectures and made presentations to various worldwide government agencies, hospital associations and consulted for the insurance industry. He has acted as an expert witness for the City of Los Angeles and consults with scientific researchers around the world. Steve has an active interest in esoteric subjects and has delivered hundreds of presentations in all areas of philosophy and subtle energy subjects. His life has been varied and exciting from playing beach volleyball with the famous basketball legend, Wilt Chamberlain, to spending time in European castles, home of ancient alchemists. Having had unusual experiences in his early twenties he is as comfortable in metaphysical areas as he is in scientific pursuits. Steve has been led around the world through dreams and visions and credits this venue for the acquistion of the incredible holdings existing within the World Research Foundation worldwide network. Steve is contemplating a future book dealing with his many life experiences.
Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2023

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